Very first time and not really a clue? Friend left and left all of these


I don’t really know much about them other than they are auto’s and my ex started them before he left on April 30th. The leafs are like turning yellow and some of the points are brown and crispy



I’m not so sure those are autos then, they might be but thats a long time for autos! (for reference, I ordered seeds from Europe on 4/20, and those plants were planted, grown and harvested by the end of July), and it took over 3.5 weeks to get from Europe.

The leaves will turn yellow in flowering many times as the plant shifts its energy into making buds and shutting down its “energy factories”. The brown and crispy tips can be from over fertilization (usually the first sign of high levels of fertilizers being applied is yellow “burnt” tips). But it might just be the leaves dieing back naturally.

Do you have any fertilizers you are using? Please share so we can guide ya.

How often do you water? How often do you add fertilizer?

How long are the lights on for / are they on a timer?

You’ve kept them alive for 4 months, so you’re doing something right…


I don’t really know much about them other than they are auto’s and my ex started them before he left on April 30th. The leafs are like turning yellow and some of the points are brown and crispy


Looks like you’re in soil, if you know how to adjust your ph that could be your problem

I have no clue about the ph. I know he didn’t have a tester or any of that. The only thing I do is water them.

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Do you have the lights on a timer? what is it set for?

Straight water? no miracle grow or fertilizers or anything, right?

Looks like a lighting issue to me, so many single leaves, make sure you close the tent completely when the light is off.

Have the lights on for only 11 hours a day, total darkness for 13 hours, the buds should start fattening up then.

I see there’s maybe some moss growing on the soil? If so, then it’s a sign of over watering and that could also be the cause of yellow leaf tips. Let the top soil dry out a bit between watering.


For pH, the drops are the easiest.

pH drops
Hydroponics stores all sell it, shop around a little. prices vary…

Minor housekeeping note:
Best to clean out those dead leaves out of the trays and pots, they can be colonized by molds and fungi (not the good kind :laughing:)

As folks said, you’ve kept them alive this long, you are doing well. :+1:


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