We have a problem

Still a little new to this, but anyone have an idea as to the problem? Been giving them Alaska fish ferts, and rainwater


Im not sure what your issue is but what strain is that? Just out of curiosity.


Cool fan leaves, nice plant. :green_heart:

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OG kush, and Trainwreck @BasementGardens, and thanks!

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I don’t really see anything off. The spots could be potassium deficiency but could also just be burn marks from water droplets sitting on the leaves under the lights/sun :thinking:


Was thinking it was new growth too, but the lime green color made me panic a little. Should be sunny tomorrow, so we shall see. Looked a little dry yesterday, so I gave it some nutes before the rain today

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I get what you mean, like the lime green is extending a little further than usual for new growth. I’ve definitely seen that but I’m also slow to bring the N for some reason. Best of luck, will be a fun one!


It’s been a fun one for sure! I’m still learning, and gathering info, and learning off of past grows, and this year has me excited. I have ten gallon fabric pots coming soon, and I plan to make use of them and tomato cages as soon as they get here


I agree, Alaska Fish Fertilizer is 5-1-1, I see dark green leaves, so too much Nitrogen may have blocked it … beer3|nullxnull


Have been using their bloom ferts every other feeding as well, with about a teaspoon of ag lime for calcium


Calcium also blocks it icon_e_confused|nullxnull, maybe you can give them a banana tea and slow down a bit with the rest … beer3|nullxnull


I plan on slowing down. Supposed to be nice and sunny tomorrow, so I’ll see how they are tomorrow afternoon

Have you tested the pH of your rain water?

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I have not, but plan on getting a pen soon

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Fine, just wondering if that yellowing in the new growth could be Iron or Zinc deficiency because rain water being too alkaline … beer3|nullxnull


All joking aside the plant looks great.

I’ve had so many plants grow perfect and throw a leaf or two that end up funky or weird. What you’re doing so far seems great. plants looks to be in excellent health overall. The lime green is new growth. Certain plants go about it a little harder than others and extend out a bit in my experience. They’re all different. Don’t worry yourself too much over it and if you do correct anything make small changes.


:joy: No hard feelings. Had an issue with one this year that got waterlogged and started to give that color before she went downhill. Add to that, it’s been a rainy season here, so had me worried. Was thinking it was new growth but wasn’t sure, and when I checked yesterday, it was dry to where the sides were separating, thus why I gave it nutes yesterday, before an all day rain today


I’m pretty new to cannabis growing but have been a gardener for years. It looks pretty healthy to me. Ive never used fish ferts but I know they’re pretty high in N. Depending on how often and how heavy you feed it could cause nutrients and pH imbalance. I typically will water with plain water. (My well water is typically around 5.5-6.5 pH) and monitor for changes then resume feeding with all purpose ferts at half dosages after soil has dried mostly.

Those yellow spots seem consistent with sun damage. Water droplets on leaves will concentrate the sun’s rays and burn the leaf. As long as it’s not browning and necrotic I wouldn’t worry too much.


It’s definitely high in N, but have read that it’s hard to get burn with it. These are all outdoors, and if I do have to water, I use it from the tap. Never had any issues with it from past grows, but my problem in the past was still using nitro during flower, and not taking off the smaller leaves and budsites that came with it. Have a different plan this season, and I believe it will go fine

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High nitrogen doesn’t always result in burn but imbalance. Super dark green leaves denote excess nitrogen. You need other nutrients to help balance move that excess nitrogen. Yellowing tops can be low nitro but since your lish and green is lean towards phosphorus or potassium. But again they overall look healthy just a bit imbalanced. And you are correct about nitrogen in flower. Nitrogen promotes growth of foliage and can inhibit flower growth. Once pflowering starts nitrogen should be lowered then cut out almost all together.