Veterans Day

right on much thanks even tho i am a VET i dont harp on it


nice job @CapnCannabis getting this ball rolling. really made me feel good as a vet reading thru this. it brought back lots of memories from them days. i put 14 yrs in uncle sam’s canoe club. [us navy] lol. like some other members here i remember the heart racing as we smuggled hash on in naples and any other place in the world they let us loose.
OG has the best people/family going. i am proud to be a member and thank everyone else who served their :country . it is nice to be in the company of fellow OG’ers and vets here on this special day.


A day late as always. but thanks to my fellow brothers and sisters for your service.

USS America CVA 66 1984 - 88 here. @MrWizard its cool to meet a fellow carrier Vet! I don’t know who’s the biggest Big John or Big A , both being a Kittyhawk class… there’s always been a rivalry back then. but In the end I think we can agree being on a carrier was a quite an amazing experience. :+1:
@Oldjoints nice to see yet another Carrier Vet I too loved the birds fly in and out. and just sitting out on the fan tail at night.


Really wish I hadn’t missed this thread yesterday. Thanks so much for your service everyone. It’s truly appreciated.
@VAkish very OG of you to make the vets feel so special. Good work👌


neat – “Story-of-a-Seed” !!!

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The eagle has landed! Thank you @VAkish


VETS USN BT3 DDG-5, AD-41, SIMA NORFOLK, CV-43 1983-89
I remember on a UNITAS Cruise after coming back for our Tour at Beirut in early 84 I went to score some weed in Brasil. I found a guy and we took a 20 mile bus ride up the coast where he had me sit on this hill over looking a bar. All these people kept looking at me and making me paranoid. The dude came back came back carrying a brown shopping bag. I gave him the 10 he ask for and he walked away all happy. I looked in the bag and it was filled to the brim with big Purple Colas all a foot and a half long of the dankest funk I’ve ever smelled. Me and my Bro’s were so high!!! We had to get rid of the rest so we just left it on a table. Going back to the ship we were so nervous and stoned the OOD just laughed thinking we were drunk. Lol
USA Till I Die!


That’s God damn hilarious!! :rofl:
Thanks for sharing!

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These arrived. Thank you @VAkish

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Thanks got mine ~~~~

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Somewhere in Czech republic…
Thanks allies!:wilted_flower::medal_military: