Any vets? Pilots?

Wondering if there are any vets on the site. I flew appachies in the gulf war or ww3 as I like to call it. Anyway, just putting a feeler out there, share some war stories :kissing_heart:.



Check out these threads and you will see many veterans are here on OG.


Those things are uber scary wow. The A10 dive bombing run is pretty intense to see when the air show was over Cleveland. I can’t imagine seeing the real combat. Much respect although not a fan of warfare and what it produces MOST of the time. The war today is under the ground.


Yeah and loud as shit!



Viet Nam Vet here (Don’t do war stories though) Thanks for you service!


My name gives it away. I served with 10th MTN, 2nd Battalion 22nd Infantry Regiment 2002-09.


Regur army, 1986 to 88. Super happy I was in between wars, but I did get my ready reserve letter in 1991, which scared the shit out of me. I got fat lol.

My MOS, 31 Mike - Multichannel Radio Communications. A very dumb MOS right before the digital age. They taught us with flowcharts lol.


Are you flying anything now?

I was USAF aircrew back in the early 80’s. Back when Russians were evil.


Actively in the Army; no. I’m working on building a jet though.

Those flying racing drones are pretty cool…would like to have a go at one of them :grin:. Use it as a commuter.


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A jet? I am more about an ultralight taildragger.

Yeah, I like a bigger space…ultralights are fun but you cant sleep in them.

I actually built a jet for the army a long time ago…it was classified then :roll_eyes:. Would like fly that one around!! Not your average spruce goose if you know what I mean…we nicknamed it the Condor



The 80th anniversary of the greatest act of heroism I know of. Every man should have received the MOH

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Wow this shit just shifted gears fast

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This hit me right in the feels. There’s a longer version where it falls as he’s being wheeled by and he makes her stop.

And this veteran working (and struggling) for Amazon delivery (below)

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Wast Prince Harry an Apache pilot?
Pretty sure there was a fratricide incident

His rescue is a cool story that will probably never get told.
My feeling, his family sold him out to get killed and USA saved him.
No wonder he turned his back on his family and the family business - they openly killed his mom for breeding with a Muslim, then tried to bury him in a Muslim country.

I did some civilian things for almost 4 yrs then went and did the Burning Man life to escape all that.

Curious if you ever came across Paddock.
He was flying in the mid/late 80’s before he went and worked for N Virginia

Technically a vet here. 8 years in the Navy, but served at Naval Reactors, so pretty much a civilian gig. Don’t really consider myself an actual vet.


It ain’t about what you did, it’s that you did it. You’re a vet in my eyes.

Marine Vet here, worked on Ch-53E; the shitters!