Virginia Is For Lovers

I’m fighting the same thing right now and I have a humidifier and can’t get it over 45 lol. I’m pumping outside air in during the day and dry heat at night. fun stuff. I don’t monitor my veg plants only flower.


haha my dad tried his hand at some and wouldn’t take any suggestions. it was all sugar leaves!


Yeah the one I have a cheap one. It raised my tent to about 47% but ran out of water twice a day. My grow ended up failing. My fault 100% but I don’t want the VPD to be the same struggle it was on this last grow.


I’m not far from Harrisonburg and have been running 2 large humidifiers to stay around 55%. Both are in my flower room just outside the tent by the passive air intake openings of the tent. My veg area is around 35% this time of year but the plants survive it fine, just not as perfect as I like to see. I’m hoping to get a big whole house humidifer soon so all the house is above 50%.


I run 48-45% during flowering. My thought is more it drinks more the nutes gets pumped in.

I use a humidity sensor on off power switch. My exhuast fan won’t kick on until the RH is 50% and shuts off at 44%. It also keeps the tent warmer because it is not always kicking hot air out which I need when it is cold af like last weekend.

Here is the one I have,.



Thanks for the link I’ll look at it for sure. My Temps have been closer to 90 with lights on. I’m thinking my light is too large for my tent. But when it’s 90 with 35% the plants do not survive.


A whole house one might be what I need. Our living space isn’t that large it would probably be the best choice.


Yah 90 is way high and if you could get that down to 80 you would probably be at the 45% humidity. Do you have a exhaust fan running and still getting 90 temp?



Hopefully, one day, I’ll be able to get some of that amazing dispensary weed. Until then I’ll just have to smoke some of this nasty Virginia homegrown


Yes. I have a 4" I line that I run at almost full speed and keep a vent at the bottom of the tent open. I didn’t have this issue on my first grow which is strange to me because it was during summer. Of course they were different strains.


Yeah it’s a shame you are stuck smoking that.


HPS lights or LED powered by small nuke reactor? :slight_smile:

Lol. Spyder farmer sf-g3000. It’s a 30x30x60 tent

I changed the fan and have it outside the tent now with the duct hose as an intake resting above the light now

Yeah the humidity power switch will not help you much then. Your issue is the temp inside is too hot and that drives your RH down. I kinda have the same problem in the grow house with a window heat unit going 24/7. It just sucks all the water out of the air trying to keep the room at 72.


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That makes sense. I mave have to look at reducing the light intensity and dropping the lights closer to the plants.

This is the only time of year where the humidity stays pretty constant inside lol. I also let it get stupid cold sometimes.

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Such a shame, you should let me dispose of it. One small fire at a time :fire:


Unless I misunderstood you, I would do it the other way, heat rises so put the exhaust fan at the top and your intake at the bottom. I use a old dryer hose for my intake. I have no filters on my exhaust and the fan just sits in the 6inch hole at the top of my tent door supported by string.


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Yeah it’s always so low in winter. It doesn’t go much higher in summer though.

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