Virginia Is For Lovers

Yeah. I put the fan outside the tent on top of it to give me more room. Then I took the metal duct hose and mounted it above the light. I figured it would pull the warmest air that way and the vent open at the bottom would give it the coolest air. Didn’t work.

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My dad has been growing autos every summer since it became legal and I started giving him autos for Xmas and birthday presents.

He also doesn’t take the advice I give. Every year I tell him that chunks on his plant are budrot and it will spread to the rest of the plant. And every year it’s back and bad. He never plucks it off and it spreads. I use the analogy that you wouldn’t eat a rotten peach off the tree, so you shouldn’t smoke rotten bud. It never sinks in. But I’m not smoking his mids.

I’ll give him some good shit to take to poker night with his buddies and it’s great for feedback. They LOVED Field Trip from Bodhi. They still talk about it years later.


That’s cool you get to share that with your dad though. Mine lives in an illegal state so he can’t, but he smokes when he comes to visit.


Yeah it feels awesome. My sister is growing a plant or 2 in her garden too. Family bonding over DRUGS!!!


That’s awesome!

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If I could get my dad to grow some, I could double my production levels :rofl:

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Brother I’ve been watching some of your grow updates. Lmao you’d be swimming in bud like scrooge mcduck!


That’s the goal :rofl::rofl: I provide for quite a few people. Need more, always

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Yeah my first grow was fairly successful so I ended up handing out probably half of what I harvested. Now I’m on dregs and 2nd failed. Gonna try sog this time see if I can turn a quicker harvest.

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He still won’t smoke in front of us, or with us. But my uncle said they smoked some of my shit and went metal detecting and it zapped all his energy and he couldn’t go walking in the woods or digging up shit. So I don’t think he smokes and does that anymore.

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I usually end up going dry cuz I either make edibles and give it away, or I just give out the flower :rofl:

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I haven’t run out in 2 years. Prob sitting on 3-4 pounds of bud now …

and 3-4 pounds of trim for hash that my lazy ass needs to process…

I give a lot away to my adult kids.

I’m pulling close to 1.5p (half bud half trim) off 3 plants using octopots.



Let’s get to processing then! :laughing: You wash, and I’ll press lmao


This weekend I’m gonna run 2 batches and make a liter of tinture.



I figure that’s going to be the trend I stick to. I make edibles for me. Made tincture once. It wasn’t great.


I’ll send you the high times brownie recipe. One of the few edibles I’ve made that I’ll actually eat


I’ll just post it here for everyone


That’s amazing!


Thanks for this! I make butter and the mrs. bakes a couple different options. Another recipe is always appreciated!


I usually make a big jar of the strongest coconut oil I can, and then it’s a 1:1 butter substitute.

I make Ghirardelli Dark Choc Brownies because the dark chocolate recipe uses 1/2 cup of oil and the milk choc ones use 1/3 cup.