Virginia Is For Lovers


Fascists gonna Fascist… i guess all we can do is email/call our state delegates/senators but at the end of the day we all know who they all answer to (and it ain’t us). Poor pregnant people always treated as state property… smfh.


I bet it snows the very same day of the first legal sales here (Georgia).


I thought the very same thing when I moved from WA to VA in 2008. Federal legalization might be our best bet to end prohibition in the south.


@Pier_Rat Dude! I moved from Wa to Va in 2008! What part of Wa? I lived mostly in Bellingham/Whatcom county and Seattle.

Funny thing about the South, it’s a surprise that so many Southerners support the drug war, given that it was enacted by a bunch of politicians in Washington DC. We fought a war over overreaching federal policies (at least that’s how some saw it). Decrim would be the way to down here. Decrim would allow the cops to go on the news and talk tough, but not allow them to do much about it.
The Deep South would be an excellent place to grow. Even the coldest parts of this region have guaranteed 6 months frost-free. Here in Georgia, its 7 and can be stretched out to more, with some planning. The Gulf Coast gets frost maybe once every 5 years, perfect for growing long-flowering sativas.


what a small world! I was born and raised in Everett. Moved out east to Virginia Beach, met a girl fell in love and never went back. The cost of living, weather and fishing kept me here.

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I completely agree Herrs. Imagine all of the jobs that would help all of the small rural communities with the longer warmer grow period. Its crazy to think the South is all about freedom without the federal government stepping on our toes but we cant unite together to make cannabis legal. I think alot of it has to do with religious beliefs and to not side with the hippie counterculture.


In all fairness, people here see what’s happening in places like Seattle, San Francisco, etc. and want no part of that. Unfortunately, legalizing cannabis is a common theme amongst the “protesters”, and people here will oppose it, solely because the far left supports it.
Hell, around here all you have to do is convince the cop that the drug war was all the Democrats’ idea and he’d ENCOURAGE people to grow cannabis. I just wish they’d treat cannabis the same way they treat guns.

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What part of VB? I grew up in Tidewater and had some good buddies off Shore, Pleasant House, and the Independence Rd. areas. Good times out there.

VB has really changed through the decades and in other ways has stayed the same.


Now that the doctors took away their Vicodin, Xanax & soon their Adderall too… I suspect they’ll come around to legal weed :peace_symbol:

They know Alcohols killing em, it’ll turn soon.


Oceanfront. VB has changed alot but it still has its charm. End game for me is moving out to Chesapeake, hickory area.


According to articles I’ve read, more people smoke cannabis than cigarettes anymore, and during “Dry January”, people are supplanting alcohol with cannabis. A lot of people are forsaking alcohol in favor of weed. It’s about damn time. Who the hell wants to drink when there’s cannabis available?


My fam has an addictive personality. Lots of drinking goes on in my fam. Alcohol makes me do things I wouldn’t normally do. Weed has kept me level headed through my life.

I’m sticking with weed and my occasional beer at concerts. I can still be “not sober” and live my life. But when I’m drinking, I’m useless.


I could go the rest of my life without drinking. Just makes me want to smoke cigarettes lol. I will make an exception for a neat old scotch though lol. That’s my ONE exception. I appreciate a good old scotch the same as a good bag of weed. The buzz I get from a good scotch is top notch too. Get all cork-sniffy about it lol


I feel ya there. I could go without it too, but I do get a hankerin for frozen margaritas every once in a while.

I tried getting into Scotch, but I don’t love alcohol enough to stick with it. I think my sweet tooth keeps me from liking straight liquor and I’m ok with that.


I do enjoy alcohol socially, but if I had to choose I would go cold-turkey California sober (weed and mushrooms) any day.


I could absolutely do Cali sober too. Shit I don’t have to work tomorrow either. I might just practice what I preach and much on a cap or 2 tonight


Yup I’ll enjoy a shot-glass of beer to appreciate the taste occasionally. Alcohol is a dirty drug, it’s like a shotgun (its not precise in effect, all over the place & unpredictable). There are roughly 100 drugs better & safer than alcohol.

Like verified by the data… relative harm chart


A buddy of mine gave me a “micro dose” of shrooms about a month ago. Was def more than a micro lol. Shit kicked in when I was walking around the grocery store. I was half trippin trying to check out. Far too busy of an environment for me under those conditions. Was glad to get out of there when I did lol


Sometimes it’s fun being a weirdo while doing normal human things.