Virginia Is For Lovers

Alcohol is nasty stuff and you folks that abstain are wise. I’m a drinker and a smoker myself. To summarize how I feel about alcohol….


:joy::joy::joy::joy:that video…glad I have one habit and that’s smoking weed never been addicted to anything else I drink when I’m with my family in New York or they come down here and I won’t touch tobacco unless I’m rolling a backwood


Hey man, do what you love. Life’s too short. Me… I’d like to try every single consciousness altering plant on earth at least once before I’m gone #bucketlist :laughing:


Idk I got a hard time thinking of trying anything that could cause me my teeth lol


I was at Disney World back in 2020 and at one of their restaurants I had their take on a boulevardier. Shit was fire. I haven’t been able to recreate it so I just don’t drink at all.


Yea I’ll literally go YEARS without drinking


My sense of taste is too good I’m one of them ppl that can always taste the alcohol no matter how good the alcoholic says it is :joy:

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I don’t really care for drinking but if I could nail that recipe, I’d probably have at least 1-2 a day.


Those are the dangerous ones…before you know it you passed out in the front porch wondering how you got home. Damn now that I say that drinking is so much fun :joy:

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I just hate the hangovers. Putting the pieces of the night back together is always comical though


Yea that one drug you’re thinking of, I’ll skip that :laughing:

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Once my hangovers started to last all day, drinking lost all its appeal.


I feel that…that’s how I end up taking year breaks and shit last time I remember getting drunk I was with my dad and uncle In New York threw up on the Uber and my sister had to pay for it that was 2018

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Same here. For me, alcohol is dangerous. Once I have one drink, I can’t stop. It actually hurts to stop. It’s also a gamble. I might be a happy drunk, or extremely dangerous. I’m a trained and experienced killer (yes, I killed people–“people” plural) and alcohol takes away my fear. I also have guns, all of them originally for anti-personnel use. My wife and I don’t even keep alcohol in the house.
What I like the most about weed is it alters my senses, making alcohol taste really bad. Even when I did drink, I was done drinking for the night after smoking weed. It allowed me to stop drinking at any time by taking away the pain I mentioned earlier. I also far prefer the effect of cannabis over alcohol.


It’s the same way if you smoke enough cannabis. The difference is with weed, you probably didn’t do anything dangerous. If even 1/4 of all weekend binge drinkers would use cannabis instead of alcohol, crime would probably drop rather precipitously.

Im not a big drinker either. Socially I try to keep it to a minimum with the exception of a few people that get to see how fucking stupid annoying I get when I’m drunk lol. I usually only get drunk drunk at my house and its rare. i just cant control myself, I get super loud and EVERYTHING is about me me me and I forget all social graces, I annoy myself sometimes.
Usually though, I’m already pretty stoned and by that time it just makes me feel like shit, I don’t like the combo of too much alcohol and weed, its the worst.

I will say this though, you put a jar of some bourbon aged shine from Loudoun in front of me and we will have a different conversation :wink:




I’m one of the lucky few I guess!! Ha! Ha!


Well I count you as lucky, you may see it as unlucky lol


Let’s grow! Day 15…