Virginia Is For Lovers

This is me right here. I give it away to my kids and friends. I don’t make anything off of it except the money I save from not have to pay for 275-300$ oz’s. which I am fine with as I am saving money in the end.



I re-sell seeds from the Netherlands. This year I will be mostly breeding seeds to sell. Working with a few smokes shops now. I made the decision to do this when I came back to growing a year 1/2 ago. Right now I have a Tropicana cookie run going. The money is now in the seeds… and I am going to make a ton of original strains… No 3x cross this and that stuff. I am going after breeders and Homegrowers. My business model for the different though. They don’t have to buy 5 seeds in a pack. You can buy just one seed to try a strain out before you commit $100 for 10 etc. I am happy with the 1.50$ profit. on the resale atm. I run a consulting business too showing how to grow for first timers. I don’t charge cancer patients but I do sell them the seeds.

I just put the website up in early fall and have a shit ton of strains to add to it. and I have to get the online payment system reset up after I dump paypal the tyrants. Right now my business is by word of mouth and there plenty of people in line. :slight_smile:


Hey that’s great man, and look if you run into a cancer patient that can’t afford the seeds let me know, I’ll give them some from my jar :+1:

I’m local & can drive… np at all homie.


I haven’t run into any yet that didnt have $12.00 :slight_smile: . If they can’t do $12.00 then I would probably just give them free weed as they won’t be able to pay for the other cost of growing for sure.

Not going to make money off the sick like these F POS local government folks do by taxing their purchase, making the cost go above what you can get it for on the black market.

People with terminal diseases should not have to pay tax on their purchases of cannabis. Not upset with the dispenser folks, just the govt folks.

Makes me want to put up a table at one of these cannabis conventions that offers medical user free consulting on how to grow… I would wear my “Strain names Don’t mean shit” shirt. I bet I would make a ton friends then with all the seed sellers and dispenser owners there … ROFL.

Word of mouth work best… Little by little your customer base grows. What I have noticed the last 6 month I have had a string of new customers who need the “Fix my plant” service. Make a lot of money there and usually convert people to octos/TPS1 afterwards. I have a manifesto on growing I am writing , which is basically everything we talk about in my journal and on the site condensed into (at the current time) 277 pages. I’ve done pretty much everything wrong in my growing career which leads me to doing everything right.

Since the local grow shop wont carry them I have considered seeing if I do a bulk buy from octo of 50 pots, if I could get a discount and then resell them. What I do now is resell the ones I have on stand by and sell for $10.00 over the cost and then just re-order to replace. I do it with sunshine mix #4 soil as well. I have about 4 bails of it on stand-by . TPS1? Yeah I have 2 - 2.5 gallons on standby too that I resell. Not making a killing on reselling that is for sure.



I can’t wait until we get past the “pot is our new piggy bank for pet projects and prosperity” phase and into “pot is a global legal crop” phase.

At the end of the day it would be 1000000% better for people if USA was both a purchaser of Central/South America + Afghan and a supplier to Europe/Asia. Global pot market will be way better than the baby monopolies states are setting up. Until then at least we have homegrow. So many individuals in the game, both from commercial and gov, see this as a meal ticket.


Global market? No thanks. I’ll grow my four and not pay anymore. God bless the homegrower. May they prosper everywhere.


Super thankful we got homegrow early and it’s not too fucky (though it is pretty fucky), but at the end of the day homegrow going to be less than 1% of consumers no matter what.

Would much rather have an open global market than a state controller series of monopolies. Price to consumer should be somewherre between 1/10th to 1/100th of current.


Dispos suck! My buddy went to GLeaf and got a job, and quit after the first day. He was working on the grow side of things.

He said everything smells the same, hay. And they chop the plants on day 55f NO MATTER WHAT. If it’s a 10 week plant….axed at 55days. They had him as a leaf plucker and they are timed. So you have 10 mins to go down the row and pluck leaves, then when that 10 mins is up, you go to another row. He said that place sucked so bad he couldn’t go back for day 2.

These are the people that are making money and selling garbage product.

My buddy is an amazing grower. It’s who I used to get my shit from back in the day before I grew, and he helped me along the way with answers to most of my questions. Sucks to see him struggling because he won’t stoop to their level, but I respect the hell out of him for that though.


I had a few friends get stuff from a dispo in DC claiming 25% THC and tested it and it came back like 17% Did it on multi strains they bought.

What we are talking about here is the same in the US seed market. Lots of claims, Lots of junk from the commercial side of things.



I come from the crypto market, so I’m skeptical of every business.

And I work for one of the most hated companies in America. Lies run the business. I’m so ready to be living on the side of a mountain with my fam and garden.


dispensary weed in VA is a joke. they want $250-300 an ounce, that looks just like old BC bud. All of the pop up’s sell shitty light dep Paclo hardnug from Cali they ship in at 400-500 a pound and sell it for $200+ a zip.


My neighbor went to the dispensary in Portsmouth a few weeks ago. He said they wanted 40 an 8th. When he asked how much for an ounce they told him 40 times 8 ,:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Damn, we have a glut in Colorado. You can get pretty good bud here for $20-$30 for a half ounce. Certain franchise dispos always keep some cheap smoke, especially on weekends. It’s actually medium grade smoke, too, usually.


Yea I’ll never buy anything from a dispensary, my sister needs concentrated thc oil with a standardized dosage though & I don’t currently have the means to get/make that otherwise.

Funny enough her doctor literally said…
"Signup for outta state & goto DC because the dispos in VA suck".


I’m gonna set up a lawn chair in the dispo parking lot and redirect their customers to my trunk.


Give the people coming out a free bud to compare to what they just purchased. You’re sure to have repeat customers after that


Do it, I feel bad for the people standing in line for overpriced trash. The Cary Town dispo has a long line of people Friday afternoon.


Whats up? @Hammerheadlake


Be funny to drive by on friday afternoon in a pickup truck and throw free left overs from 3 pounds of trimmings on the side walk… Would be a low profit day for them for sure… :slight_smile:



Yea and good luck finding anything that actually has terps. It’s impossible to find organically grown weed at the dispos. Most of them use Athena nutes and it all tastes the same - like crap.