Virginia Is For Lovers

Looking good to me


Man that is a legit bush @Gravitys-Rainbow , How do you get so many tops!?

@VAkish cool man will stick at 12/12 :+1:


It is like 80% Kush so she is bushy.

I don’t do a lot of trimming early on. and let the plant grow some before I start wacking leaves. Some of it is genetics. Most of the strains I get from .nl that are kush are very top heavy. The other reason probably is I use (3) 3x5 LEDS. Most growers will only use one or two sets of lights but my grow tents are shadow free zones :slight_smile:

The light does make a big difference. Early on testing with a grow buddy I was teaching how to grow he was using two lights. We grew the same strain, same number of plants, and I was kicking his butt by 2oz a plant. Same everything octos, nutes etc…



It’s the Deep South. Our stance on a lot of things is confusing and illogical.


I’m an alcoholic in remission. I haven’t had a drink in years, but the temptation is everywhere. You’re familiar with how cannabis distorts your senses, I’m sure. In my case, it makes alcohol taste disgusting. Really disgusting, and the higher I get, the more revolting alcohol becomes. Considering alcohol killed my paternal grandfather, father and many of my paternal (and maternal, for that matter) uncles and great uncles, anything that makes it unappealing is a blessing. I admit that I have a very addictive personality. I also became an adrenalin addict during the war; a big part of what they called “PTSD” was, in fact, withdrawals. I’ll stick with cannabis, TYVM. If I’m going to go full addictive personality, the best substance would be the one that isn’t physically addictive and can’t kill me.


I’m in the same boat brotha. Most older men in my fam have huge beer bellies, my 40 year old cousin died a couple years ago from drinking. He’d have the shakes at work from not drinking. It’s sad. Uncles in jail and couldn’t drive for 10 years for multiple DUIs. Dad always has a beer in hand. We all have addictive personality. I could feel myself going down the drinking route. I don’t like being sober, but I also don’t like being wasted. Weed lets me be live my life not sober, where as alcohol would turn me in a lazier piece of shit.

Smoking everyday isn’t ideal, but it’s a hell of a lot better than drinking everyday. Plus growing gives me a hobby that I HAVE to do or else it all crumbles into nothing. If I wasn’t growing, I’d be sitting watching tv or playing video games prob having a few beers.


Got my very first free Overgrow seeds in the mail yesterday from @Gonzo. Thanks so much for the kindness buddy. You da man!!


If not for cannabis, I’d still be swilling high-octane bourbon. That’s dangerous, as bourbon takes away my fear, of anything.


Hit the new casino this weekend. Started with 300.00… Walked out with 1300. Wife the same 1400 hand pay. Was a good day…



This Steve Lemme OG x White Cherry Truffle has too nice of a structure to get rid of. It’s such a nice bush I think I’ll try to supercrop it and flower it in a few weeks. Thanks to GuamMaineian Gardens for the killer genetics.



Just saw this, hate to see it but to be honest I’m not surprised and was waiting for it to happen. I hope it’s not the first pound of the hammer though.
I know quite a few shops have some “grey area” offerings so I hope they see this and take note.
Hope everyone makes out clean though for sure!!!


I talked to “our shop” like 2 weeks ago about something like this and he swears theyve never done anything like that. I actually want them to stick around so I was glad to hear him say that.

But yeah me a couple buddies have had this feeling like this was gonna happen to Happy Trees too. I never liked that place so I don’t care what happens, but the drama is interesting.


Unbelievable as 75,000 ppl a year drop from fent poisonings they go after pot related stuff. Maybe find a guy with a bag of shrooms. Shocking the idiocy of our authoritarian system.


Shakedown…and not the good kind…


Damn. That’s moving in the wrong direction.


My sources say it was just a pop up bust and they’re gonna try to get all of them.


Give me a break… What a complete waste of time and money. Why I don’t spend money in RVA. Taxes collected on consumer goods are spent on this Stupid sheet.



Isn’t that gray area legal now too in Va. If it used for ceremony or research purposes? My sources (hehe) tell me a few smokes around here are selling kits of soil and syringes with spores…



I agree it’s stupid and a waste of time and money, but that’s not gonna stop me from spending money there. That’s just silly talk. Hotdog/beer at a Squirrels game is just what we all need to relax