Virginia Is For Lovers

I don’t think I have EVER missed an opportunity to vote. If you don’t vote, you’re not entitled to complain about what gets done by politicians on your behalf.


I used to have really weird misguided philosophical views on why I didn’t vote when I was younger. I finally realized that politics was very much a thing that was being done to me whether I participated or not.


I vote every single time…no exceptions


Truth…. Absolute truth…


We do mail in ballots here and it’s great. I voted last week from my kitchen.

I also agree that if you don’t vote, you can’t complain. Because you aren’t doing your part to fix shit.


I’ll twist that around a little bi…I served my country so I have the right to vote or not vote, or whine or not. now the people that didn’t serve their country …


I’ll twist it around a little bit more. I didn’t serve because my family has already sacrificed enough for this country.


lol I wouldn’t recommend going in the military :rofl:. I’m just being opinionated for fun anyways I don’t worry about what others do. Hate the P word.

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Hah. Nobody that’s been in the military recommends the military. Funny enough my cousin told me not to join.

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There was only 2ish people running apposed. It wasn’t much of an election when there is only one candidate


Thank you for your service @Spitfire .

No doubt: Voting is a right that – like any right – can be squandered.

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Oh I agree in the end. I will be the first to tell you I’m worthless and don’t do my “duty.” have extremely bad opinions of everything p word and the people that become officials. they all follow their group instead of their own minds when they get there.

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Anyone in VA have favorite papers? I decided to buy a few different kinds to put up against the zigzag ultra thins ive found sanctuary in smoking. The Blazy Susan were very smooth but seemed to add taste. Haven’t tried the rest so far. Going to have to forego the roller for the Tyson papers cuz they’re huge. may cut em down but that’s a foul. What y’all smoking lately?


I prefer elements when I can find them, but I’ve been using the bugler hemp 1 1/4 in the green pack.

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That was an option at pitbull when I randomly stopped in. I’ve always been a glass smoker and have recently been loving Js. Smoking a Tyson now, better than raw imo, but still that different taste, thst so far any brown paper I’ve tried recently has.

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Do you use glass filters? Super dope cuz you get a joint, and still use your glass :laughing:


I saw those today and was intrigued. Then thought about resin buildup quick and tasting it.


They can get messy if you don’t keep up with cleaning them. They’re really easy to clean after smoking, cuz it’ll still be hot and everything should blow right out.


Those zig zags are nice, they kinda remind me of elements

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@HomegrownVABudz Already hate cleaning my ash catch and breaker every 2-3 days. I whine to whine.
I have to use filters on mine too.
@Heavenlygoo knows :joy:

@RiverCityRando Nice I’ll try em. Any specific type? I grab anything that says more thin on it.

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