Virginia Is For Lovers

I have a question for everyone. Is anyone close to Stony Creek?


757 here, not sure how close you’re wanting lol.

FYI anyone traveling through Suffolk there are speed cameras EVEYWHERE.


@Emeraldgreen I’m about 30 minutes north of Stony Creek. I’ve got a couple of good friends that live down that way. Also hunt and work around there a good bit so I’m very fimilar with there area


This sounds like where I live. 30 minutes to everything. She’s in a hotel at the moment, working on rental car and repairs. I only set her up with enough meds for the trip :disappointed:, she’s going to need to get some food.
Thank you all for getting back to me for this. Definitely makes me feel better knowing help is closer than me!


Not a whole lot around there. It’s a few places to eat right at the 2 exits off 95. I’ll be down closer that way tomorrow morning. Just let me know if y’all need anything @Emeraldgreen


That’s awesome. I’ll find out tonight how it’s coming together for her.


It’s wild right now. It’s every school out here has their own private camera pole snapping pictures of people cruising through the school zone 5mph over the school zone limit. They are $100 a pop. The times they are active all vary as well.


I got popped by the one in front of the school on 460. I didn’t get the ticket in the mail till I passed it two more times…


Yeah the Davis truck stop empire has it all lmao


See towns everywhere are trying to balance the books on traffic infractions :disappointed:


Any of my home state homies have time to grow a few testers for me. Looking for a few to grow blue cakes fem auto. She’s blueberry slushy from rocbud x Bessie cake from gas reaper. Check out my journal that I have going on and let me know if you’re interested. Requirements are you need to plant them within a month and give me results private or public. She’s running 90 days s to h.


I’m the first person to tell you that I’m usually going 10-15 mph over the speed limit. Been in and out of trouble for it over the years.

But there’s 3 places I will never speed, a school zone, construction zone or a neighborhood. If you get a speeding ticket in any of them, you deserve it. Especially if there’s flashing lights telling you that it’s an active school zone and that the speed is slower than usual.

Kids don’t know any better and will run out in to the road in a heartbeat. Please slow down.


I’m not sure our city even has enough police any more. They were having a job fair and the sign said 40k a year with a $6000 sign on bonus. Lol. You can go work the desk at a hotel and make 40k a year.


You still might get shot tho :rofl:


I couldn’t agree more. What’s frustrating to me is the parents dropping off their kids are the biggest offenders.


As a teacher I confirm.

I will jump on the hood of a parents car. Do not test me or my cones.


You know what’s been taken away from kids? Life lessons. When I was a kid before the school bus signs and the flashing speed limit signs, a group of us ran across the street one day. Bradley was bringing up the rear and he didn’t even kinda try and look before running across the street to catch up. Little Bradley got fuckin smoked. To my little kid brain it looked like Bradley was 50 feet in the god damn air. Bradley survived. When he was 21 he got a massive payout for his carelessness. Buuuut, I learned to look both ways before crossing the street that day back in 1989.

I watched one of my nieces get off the bus a couple years ago. The bus pulled off and she was looking at her phone and just straight bumbled out into the street. A car went flying past her and had to swerve around her and straight up side swiped a couple parked cars. The driver took off. My niece didn’t even realize that the person wrecked into all of that shit because she just bumbled out into the street. I don’t even know if she noticed she was in the street. She was like 12 at the time I think.


Ooh I miss real life lessons that teach common sense with spatial awareness!


Your chances of getting shot working a hotel are probably 100 times more likely than getting shot while being a cop. I like how the police also include car crashes because they can’t drive worth a shit in their killed in the line of duty statistics.


Yup! Cops love to say how dangerous their job is.

You know who’s got a dangerous job?
(TOP 10)

  • Logging Workers.
  • Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers.
  • Roofers.
  • Iron and Steel Workers.
  • Truck/Delivery Drivers.
  • Farmers and Agricultural Workers.
  • Fishing Workers.
  • Garbage/Waste Collectors.

My job is in the top 10. Cops not even in the top 50 :laughing: