Vortex by Subcool/TGA/The Dank preservation Co-Op run (closed)

Just a piece of general advice, never donate seed pucks to a co-op grow. Seeds get sent in bulk and we distributors package them in containers we purchase. That’s a good part if what the $2 per strain covers. Containers, labels, bubble mailers, etc. I cannot see what a member would do with a couple hundred seed pucks when packaging is already covered by the co-op. Just something to keep in mind for the future.


And of course my last post was snitched on and flagged LMAO

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So effectively he collected addresses from these folks…

Whatever the issue is… it’s an explanation. Not an excuse.

I can tell you that the mods are looking at this and inquired about the seeds being distributed. While they tend to stay put of co-op stuff as it’s run by members and not the site, they do look at specific complaints. In a case like this, they likely have tried reaching out to @Dirt_Wizard and are awaiting a response as that would be step 1. Now I am not privy to what goes on behind the scenes but do know that they take such things seriously.


Not an issue moving forward, I’m not donating anything.


The “take a strain” thread is a magnet for abusive behavior. I’ll call it “seed-seeking” behavior.

I wish we could have nice things, but that structure of trading is going to attract the worst players. The mods are going to shut it down or they will reiterate that it’s send at your own risk and a bunch of people will get pissed off and leave.


I don’t care about your answer here. I’m keeping it related to @Dirt_Wizard and you and I disagree. Good shit can be had by responsible folks.


Well thats unfortunate but totally understandable given the circumstances. :v:


I donated pucks to a run. It was some of my finest work, for some mighty fine people :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It’s tough to not get turned off considering the couple of negatives recently, but look at all the positives! The 8 years of overgrow is going on right now, several VERY successful auctions for charities as well as the forum we love.

I’m going to continue giving when I can can 🤷🏻


I feel the same as you in that regard @ix3u, but can also see how getting stung a couple times in a row would sour someone to the idea.


Well that’s really something. He can’t send seeds to the people who provided the Vortex F1s… yet he can make over a dozen deals with the F2s to benefit himself. What a trip.


For what it’s worth…

I also donated my last Vortex seeds I had towards this run… & yet to receive anything other then thanks.

I’ve honestly lost track of what’s happening here. :confused:

But just so yall know, I couldn’t care less about these seeds. Sometimes ya get burned and crap happens, I won’t allow myself to get upset.

I’m sorry for anyone els who got burned here!

I’ve gained far to many friends here, gained far to many seeds here to even care slightly about this thread or being burnt. Meh.

I’ll continue about my day as always & carma can take care of things if needed, otherwise I’ll just keep doing my thing happly. :relieved:


:point_up_2: This


I got some in the Spring box. You can have them if you want them.


It’s all good my friend, I’d rather you grow them and enjoy :wink: I appreciate the offer regardless.


This kind of thing is why I am closing my vault to anyone and everyone.

Regardless how many people greatly dislike him, I donated the seeds in Subcool’s honor in order to spread a bit more of his genetics around after how much I learned from him over the years, I was very new to OG back then but it felt right to do and I’m glad they went out to most of the community.

Now people not keeping their word I can’t do anything about, and is the reason I kept back some Vortex F1’s in my vault, I gave DW 10 seeds and according to what I was told by him in a private message, the ones I donated were the only beans that germinated.

So I hope everyone enjoys the Vortex and I’ll be around here and there but not posting much anywhere to get dragged into debates of how I should feel about getting screwed. This site is rapidly becoming toxic. Just saying.



Good to read you kept backups, more so with good germ rates

I did not mean to tell you how to feel if that’s what you’re referring too? Sorry if it was perceived that way

Thanks again for the sharing Your vault may be locked, mine will always be open to you. Probably others too :wink:


Yep, the shit sucks, and then people defend it. But those people always seem to have their hands out too.