Vortex by Subcool/TGA/The Dank preservation Co-Op run (closed)

It is. I sent him 3 packs from different breeders and he confirmed he received them and I haven’t heard anything since.


While it sucks that you guys didn’t get extra seeds for donating stuff (I guess… Doesn’t seem like donating if you’re expecting something out of it), at least he came through for the co-op run 🤷🏻

Edit: I agree it’s shitty he’s trading and not sending though.


Out of 3 agreements I’ve reached with people here the only one to come through is @ix3u
I’ve been wanting to post some packs to trade but I’m hesitant now. I was going to post some auctions since it feels safer but I haven’t gotten a response if they would be allowed yet.


I’d agree but if the word donation was never used or agreed on then it can’t be considered a donation. To me if you agree to a trade and I uphold my end then you ghost it’s stealing. It can be proven in my PMs that it was a trade and I upheld my end.


Is it a donation when you are promised something in return?


I see what you are saying. Not a quid-pro-quo, just an “I appreciate it and will send you some stuff”… Would’ve just been easier for him to not offer 🤷🏻. While I would in no way call this a TST situation, I see the frustration. Sorry guys


I’ve donated seed packs wanting nothing in return. I’ve also “given” packs with the stipulation that i later will get a bunch of F2 seeds in return.
I think @MonsterDrank and @Weednerd.Anthony falls into the later category. So an un-fulfilled trade. With DW owing his part of the agreement.


:muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Fuck yeah! I’m always worried I’ve forgotten about stuff and someone hates me for it!

“I’ll ALWAYS send. I might just need to be reminded”-me


Sort of. When the Vortex preservation project was proposed… I think from memory they had 5 seeds or less to work with and the project didn’t seem to be going anywhere. It looked to me like it was going to be a dead end… so I proposed to @buckaroobonsai who seemed to be really involved at the time in organizing the whole thing… and I said… “Hey… I know a bunch of TGA fans and some people who may have some seeds and be willing to donate… if I can go out and recruit a donor who has F1s… can me and that person me hooked up if the project is successful?”

I was a fairly new Overgrow member at the time… but that’s what I did… seeing the other projects that were successful… I was really impressed. I went out elsewhere on the internet… proposed the idea to a couple of people… @Weednerd.Anthony seemed interested… so I sweetened the deal for him and gave him a pile of retail packs… stuff that I spent my own money on… because to me it would be worth it. I was told we’d both be hooked up. So Weednerd.Anthony consults with Buckaroobonsai and sometime later Dirt_Wizard somehow gets involved. He was informed that both Weednerd.Anthony and I were to get what was the word… “a grip of seeds” he for donating and me for my part… and now I’m sitting here feeling like a total ass because I assured Weednerd.Anthony that this was going to be worth it… and why not? That’s what we were told.

Instead empty promises and excuse after excuse. Like I said before… Dirt_Wizard said the delay was due to problems at his job… relationship problems… he had to move… anxiety… I’m just waiting for the Dog ate the seeds… that’s next.

I mean seriously… he had the seeds… I posted the photo of the big packs of seeds above… it’s been over 5 months now since he sent out that email Thanking donors and assuring people they seeds were on the way. Then it’s been excuse after excuse… and I really didn’t want to call the guy out publicly. I bit my tounge and held back for months… but after the similar situation with TopShelfTrees making private agreements with folks and me getting scammed by him for a similar arrangement for a “grip of seeds” and the realization that he had all these other private agreements and scams going on with others in private messages… none of us would have caught on to the extent of deep his scams went without making the situation public… so I figured if Dirt_Wizard had nothing to hide… why not post my unresolved issue with him here?

So far we’ve had several folks pop up now and say that he owes them something… and the guy isn’t answering DMs.

He is online though. Isn’t that what this means…

I just don’t get it. I can’t possibly imagine a situation in my own life where I take things from others and work out arrangements where I’ve got to give something back… and I leave people hanging for close to 6 months. It’s inexcusable. He had the seeds!! What the hell is the problem here. I do not understand.

And anxiety?? Maybe smoke some of the Vortex… it’s an anti anxiety calming strain for Christ Sakes! :man_facepalming:

I would think getting called out & making this dirty laundry public… would be way more conducive of anxiety symptoms!! Wouldn’t you think?


I reached out to him months ago asking if he wanted to do like a 50-100 swap for JTR. Basically nothing for awhile, then a “sounds good”, then nothing since 🤷🏻 never actually set it up or anything, so no scamming going on it anything.


Agree 100%… if u can pull off a harvest and mail seeds for the friggin Spring Box… why can’t you also pack up the seeds and pay the few dollars that it would cost to mail out a few padded envelopes to the people responsible for making the project a reality? There’s no excuse IMO that’s going to be good enough for this kind of a delay…

…but… I’ve been on Forums long enough to see and have dealt with other folks who make these kind of excuses and take advantage of others… it’s nothing new. Seen it a million times. The excuses that were already presented (and from my experience, Since the excuses were rejected) a good possibility is that BRAND NEW EXCUSES will be presented… ones that will now become more serious as an attempt to save face… “Oh Granny died while I was taking care of her… or my Dogs sister had cancer.” Some excuse like that is what usually surfaces… if the person doesn’t just ghost everyone all together. It’s typical.

It’s like what they say on the internet… so and so is a stand up guy. Sure… they all are until they screw someone over. It’s the same old story told a million times.


That is not what that means. Dirt hasn’t been around since July 24th. Which isn’t a long time, in a hobby about watching plants grow.
But I said this about TSTs too.


Well regardless @AppalachianBiscuits the promises have been coming for many months. You’re more than welcome to keep trying to make excuses for his behavior and trying justifying it, although I won’t see any of them.

Its nice to meet you… and welcome to my block list.


I’m not making excuses for his behavior.

I’m making sure people who have debilitating depression, anxiety or other mental health concerns see someone say it’s ok. It’s a real thing that you couldn’t take care of basic shit. I know you struggled to open your eyes today and then went through your life like a zombie. That’s ok, take some time and space and I’ll see you when you’re feeling more yourself.
I know you got a shit load on your plate and when you crawl out of your hole people will be here to say welcome back, and not “fuck you, you piece of shit you owed me, where were you”



I respect your view and intention but regardless of reason a bond was broken. A trust was shattered. Faith was tarnished because of xyz that echoes throughout the community here. That individual should not be welcomed back with open arms as as a trusted member, a friend you can count on or a person who completes their due diligence to enforce the bond created here by taking and agreeing to contribute. They only took and like so many pieces of shit in the world justify it through illusion (excuses) and not rectifying action. So please do not take a stand against those who were betrayed but those who use excuses for self gain (self gain can be the seeds/money or even time avoiding for self “help”) no matter the reason. I get sad and depressed but you know breaking my bond to those I respect and deal with does not come into play and if it did I would know why I am treated as an outcast and would need to prove worth and acceptance if lucky enough to get the chance.


AppalachianBiscuit is not “taking a stand against those who were betrayed”. They’re not saying DW was right to behave like that and MonsterDank and Weednerd.Anthony as well as others have no reasons to be angry. Nor that we should forget what happened and that trust hasn’t been affected.

Binary vision of a situation or of others’ words won’t help in such moments.

I concur with them when they try to remind there are reasons sometimes for people to disappear. It happens quite often on boards, commitments or not. For a lot of people that’s a hobby, which are easier to be put aside when life goes in the way. Not so many people last 10s active years on boards honestly.

Sometimes depression and anxiety can go as much as not being able to take care of oneself. How would you respect others and your commitments when you feel drawn by life and aren’t able to even eat or do basic stuffs like that? Maybe some of you didn’t go that far in that void? In that case I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen to you and if it does, that you’ll have people with a bit of empathy around you. Disclaimer: I’m not trying to justify DW behavior.

For all I know DW was strong here and stood on their commitments so far. A while ago they stated they had a new job, and it seemed to impact their participation here. They also stated being in complex relationships, and it can be real tough sometimes. Still they sent the vortex to the co-op, even if they had troubles sending that package. It can be seen as a proof they really intend to send the beans. Alla in all there were no complains that I know of until very recently. Maybe there’s a reason we don’t know?

We can see it as another scammer story like what happened with TST. Or we can remind what happened in kami’s case where LemonadeJoe left the door opened and they seem to make it right now.

There’s one sure thing though: the seeds can effectively be considered gone if the door is closed and no comeback is possible. Throwing big names as some do above will not help much.

I’m not at ease with people being treated as guilty without them having the opportunity to defend themselves. The judiciary system is already fucked up enough that we have to behave worst than it is.

And part of why we can call ourselves a community is that we care for each others.

I’m sincerely sorry for all the people that did not get the seeds they expected. @MonsterDrank you don’t have to feel like an ass, you are the one that actually did the right thing here. Everyone is very thankful to you and @Weednerd.Anthony for what you did. But I also hope DW is all right and will come clean as soon as possible. And the vortex are not entirely lost anyway. If someone wants to repro them, I’m sure I’m not the only one that would donate them for that.

P.S: sorry for the messy long post, sick with COVID right now, hard to write in foreign language about such complex topic.


I don’t think anyone is saying mental health isn’t real but people who don’t have problems use it as an excuse a lot. Mental heath is very real and I suffer from anxiety and depression too. I have various prescriptions to prove it. But that’s all the more reason to not make deals you can’t fulfill. You could be screwing over other people with mental health issues and ruin a comfortable space for them. Collecting and growing is all some people have that bring them joy. If you have mental health issues you should definitely understand how much that sucks. I sent him tracking on June 8 and he verified he received them on June 16. (He lives 45 min to 1 hr from me) that was the last I heard from him. The only thing he said to me was moving was causing the delay. Again I have my PMs to prove it. It sounds like this has been ongoing for at least 5-6 months so there really isn’t any honest excuse. The 3 packs I sent I paid money for.


Really…dont make deals if you cannot fufill them. And if there was a delay, try to take care of it asap after whatever struggle. This is all build on trust…dont run a seed increase if you have any sort of issues. I would love to eventually do one, but I have so much on my plate in real life that I would not have the time to chuck so many seeds etc, hence I dont so seed increases right now. If he was able to finish all that, but then fails to send ready made packages?? For 6 month on a forum that is based on trust? When he has time to read and respond to messages? No excuse for that in my book. You give your word you follow through…if something out of your control happens that prevents that, you do what you can to make the other person whole.


I too am waiting for vortex seeds from the take seed thread since march


Between 3/5 and 5/14 there were 12 times that in the Take Seeds, Leave Seeds…. thread, DW offered crosses that he made with Vortex, and Vortex F2s.

He had time to make 3 diff. Vortex crosses but not to send them out? Seems suspect. I wonder who else didn’t get their seeds?

And i’m no rat, i’m just trying to protect other members.