VPNs encryption and such

Exactly! Your bussiness for yourself, also keep a good quality on the buds!! The best way to work is on silence so no one notice, because tbh, if I had to fear smth I would fear more a robbery on the house than a police raid

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Sudo apt get $$$, lol I was waiting for that, :wink:.

ROFL, :grin::grin::grin:, :joy::joy:!

Edit: ā€œThus the humble Computational Data Analysis coin was born, :joy:ā€

Or Humble,:thinking:?



Ubuntu users always say the same thing. Yes I know linux. :wink:


Itā€™s cool bro. Just keep your ā€œI know more than youā€ to yourself and communicate with our members like regular people and youā€™ll do fine i may be a stoner but Iā€™ve got qualifications in network security. :v:


Well I use windscribe vpn, 15 gb a month free.


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I got my CCNA and CXFF for what its worth :wink:

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I feel like Iā€™m taking the piss bro but Iā€™m not. The CCNA etc must be an American thing. I got my qualifications few years back. To this day I mess around breaking info wireless networks (because I can).

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CCNA is a Cisco Certified Networ Associate and the other is an Cisco express foundation for field engineersā€¦I am in Canada. I am certainly not a security expert by any stretch of the imagination but I do know a thing or 2.

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Well, at least we dont hear about arch linux users lol :rofl: they chose life on extreme difficulty


Iā€™d not say I was an expert either. Qualification needs updated every few years. I just enjoyed that I could get Internet for free Iā€™d ever needed.

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@Esrgood4u do you do blue or red team? And @DougDawson definitely you know a thing, ccna althought being a little bit commercial it teaches you the foundations of networks which in the end, its one of the most important parts of security, Im a developer, got a certificate on cybersec, nice to see people of the field here hehe!! Idk bout yā€™all but herb gives me a shitton of focus on the work!

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Arch can suck my balls. I can use it to a certain extent but itā€™d a huge learning curve.

Red or blue is hacker stuff. Why are you here???

Well, I am kind of a computer enthusiast, as my main formation is informatic engeneering, and I have been reading thos post carefully because back then there were no vpns, no cybercops or cybercimes.
The one thing I have learned is that no information is secure online, recently a student was caught using the darknet attempting to blow a Portuguese university, well authorities were warned by fbi from usa, the teenager was arrested, so you can go blank or dark web with or without vpn, encrypted or not info will travel and will be accessible.
Soā€¦ If you are targeted, there isnā€™t much you can do.

I donā€™t use any of those thingsā€¦
I donā€™t have anything to hide.
How is a vpn going to benefit me? :thinking:


Iā€™m using Protonmail as my main e-mail provider. Real solid.
Servers are located under a mountain in Switzerland. :+1:
Itā€™s open source I believe.

And now that Musk owns Twitter theyā€™ll likely heavily encrypt private messaging there so thatā€™s cool.


:rofl: FBI watching! Jokes aside, blue or red team is a really nice topic in cybersec, cool to see two groups fighting each other lol, literally without them there will be no security! Tho also network security is hacker stuff, so why you here to! :rofl:

Iā€™m not so concerned about whatā€™s going on right now but Iā€™m thinking I need to get prepared. If protonmail is safe then thatā€™s the way to communicate and forgo social media chats etc

If you would choose between Nord and Express vpn, which one would be your choise?