Wanted: HSO Gorilla Breath / to trade: IHG, thugpug, clearwater, fresh coast

To trade I have:

IHG Slurricane 7
Thug Pug Garlic Breath 2.0, Natural Gas, Stankasaurus
3rd Coast Purple Garlic
Clearwater Creamsicle s1 and Dantes Inferno

A bunch of other stuff

I know someone has a pack of HSO GB in their vault somewhere so if you do and are willing to sell or trade let me know. Looking for a particular pheno


Best of luck on your search wish I could find there black d.o.g was sad to hear they got shut down


i ran that when it first released. wanted it ever since. had an amazing pheno i found and really want it back.


Yeah man it’s an amazing strain I want to make sure it isn’t lost forever gonna try S1 one of the plants I have outside next summer and send some beans out to people here

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i was refering to the black dog my bad. never had the pleasute to grow the g breath but im following your journal closely lol


Is this the one you’re seeking? These are feminized thou

Yeah that’s the one. They are listed on the website but when you checkout it says they’re unavailable. Trust me man I’ve looked everywhere for like a year haha


I tried it myself :sweat_smile::v:

But I looked around some shoppes close by

I could only find two strains available here in EU for now,

The OGKZ and Sapphire OG

Actually these guys have some left but no GB sadly


Don’t know how trustworthy this company is but they have it in stock

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I can’t find any info about that Bluemmagic store online, their insta has been active a long time and looks just like a small independent 1 man operation maybe worth a gamble

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Maybe try contacting him on telegram, let him show you the pack and if confirmed. It’s absolutely worth a shot


Good idea, just sent him a message. Fingers crossed!


GL on your hunt my friend. I know exactly what this is like. Going on 6 years now for a couple sadly

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I lost my garlic breath and it’s been killing me. Do you have seeds or plants?

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I have a pack of seeds.

What would you want for them?

HSO Gorilla Breath

Not sure where you are located, but Archive Portland has a clone of Gorilla Breath in their store right now. Doesn’t help if you’re looking for seeds only, but thought I’d throw it out there.

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Thanks dude yeah I’m in a country with the most insane border restrictions in the universe so no chance of getting a clone sad to say

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Bummer man, hope things change soon for you!

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lol this reply made me burst out giggling. hope every one finds what they want in here