Watering while on vacation

Just looking for some ideas here. Will be away for up to 9 days at a time. Currently growing in 16oz, Gallon, and Three Gallon containers. Some in each. Growing medium is coco. Hand watering at this time

Is there a inexpensive, reliable method you use to feed your plants H2O when away for extended periods? My current crop is sucking up a gallon every two to three days. Would need a way to provide continuous flow of small amounts or anything else that works.



Blumats. But im not sure theyll work for the 16oz pots.


It’s kind of hard to get an even watering with different size pots, I would go with a dip system on a slow drip. . .even a little water is better than no water. . .put the smaller pots at the farthest drip point to reduce water volume


I can leave for up to 4 1/2 days by placing my containers in big trays and pouring up to 2.5 quarts of water into the tray. If the soil has lots of aeration the plants take it fine.

I looked into Blumats but for it to work you have to convert to the system 100% of the time which is a pain in the arse. There aren’t any cheap & readily available home water systems. If I need to leave more than 4 days I would need a friend to water the plants. If it’s legal that expands the number of people you can ask to water them! House-sitter, etc.


Can take a liter plastic bottle (or any size) and poke a hole in screwed on cap and place at cap downward angle and it will slowly drip (depending on size of hole).


55 gallon barrel, air pump, water pump, timer, hose, and as many t’s as necessary to have one hose end at each pot. I’ve had to do this for regular house plants several times. If you can put them in kiddie pools (one each for veg and flower) it’s even better, you won’t have to worry about over run.

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here are a couple cheap automated options, I wasn’t willing to trust my crop to these:

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@SkyDog like @Craigson15 mentioned blumats are an excellent option and will work for any size container, look into them :wink:

myself i have a timer based system currently and run coco but my container sizes are all the same and i collect excess run off.


Btw: auto watering put the time into it, as its definitely worth the effort.


Drip irrigation (but don’t use drip emitter’s they clog) and a huge rez. Use 3/4 inch feeding to spaghetti lines. There’s less chance of clogging. Pray your pump/timer dosent fail. Get a couple of these so you can micro water.

Getting a security system that you can monitor online isn’t a bad idea. You can also get appliance controls that connect to the security system.


I just used blumats and maybe i got lucky but it was super simple.
Hooked em up day before i left for 8 days.
Heres a pic the day i hooked em up and the day i got back
Edit- i transplanted them to super soil the day i put blumats in too


Really great tips. thanks for sharing.