Weed fermentation using SCOBY

It can level out at .990 depending on alcohol %.



I was figuring that. I’ve been researching different yeasts and what they like and can do. One group specifically caught my eye as it would seem to be what I was dealing with initially.

Based on fermentation starting at 1.25(estimated, but could actually be higher from the fruits) i likely had fermentation start with a Zygosaccharomyces strain with the conditions i subjected the “cranberry sauce” to before fermentation began. I had added a decent salt amount to counter some bitter from the cranberries as the bitter molecule is the same as in coffee.

After fermentation began I’ve just been seeing what happens tbh.

I gave the initial conditions a preservative level osmotic stress conditions.

What interests me about Zygosaccharomyces is it can consume acetic acid in the presence of glucose. As well as it’s ability to break down aflatoxins in a 70-97% efficiency.

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Ah yes I believe that i forgot to mention that I used chia seeds in primary during what I’ll call the souring stage before fermentation. Though the gravity was 1.25 based on the inputs in the volume of water at the time. 1.5 gallons for the mash with the chia gel, weed, fruits, sugars, and my sourdough starter I have dried out. That went down to 1.080 gravity. Spring water was added until gravity was at 1.040 and 2 WLP090 pitch packs were pitched and then golden sugar and honey were added until gravity was back to 1.25 and excess was placed in a 1 gallon to ferment after.

Math is fucky, so good luck to anyone brave enough to calculate abv estimate.

There’s also trace amounts of xanthan gum, guar gum, and gelatin in the souring stage, so again good luck.

Honestly I gave up figuring out exactly what abv its at somehow as I managed a freak of nature :sweat_smile: it doesn’t help that my brew can change volume randomly through all of this. :upside_down_face: in the first week it dropped enough volume to have to add something to replace what volume just dropped out of solution. That was the 3oz heavy toasted French oak chips and dried dark sweet cherries this last time. The wood chips have helped with the volume issue this time and now volume is mildly increasing and decreasing an inch or so at the neck. Volume never touches the bung even when it’s given a shake to get everything mixed up some more and get some gas released a bit faster.

Heavy mixing slows down fermentation by a decent amount to a air bubble every 15-30 seconds. After 30 minutes it’s back at a bubble every 0.7 seconds with an occasional bloop of 3 in rapid fire within 0.2 seconds.

I’ve had some testers already and so far everyone noticed the high from weed more than the drunk feel, but still enough to feel too drunk off 16oz. My tester bottle is empty and now the 2 carboy are going and I’ll get a proper test for how much alcohol is in it. The liver knows.

Though one thing is clear: the weed has been decarbed.
That 16oz got my partner “too high”. I was wired like I had about 0.5 gram worth of dabs, a 2g joint, and 500mg caffeine. Insanely stimulated. Completely opposite experience for high thc for sure lol.

Regardless of the abv my experiment was a success in the weed effect department and whatever the end result is i also know what gravity tastes best. There are off flavors, but they all taste like the weed I put in. Cheese, OG Skunk, Booberry, and Marauder. All home grown in my house. Sorry I wasn’t allowed to publicly talk about my last grow. It was the 1 rule I had to follow. Now I’m officially done growing as long as I’m here, but not forever. Only until I can move or find a way to do it in secret this time.

Thankfully the mead calculator on this site is amazing for variable inputs.

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As it’s been awhile I figured I’d update on progress. I have the brew split between 3 3G glass carboy to finish secondary fermentation and clear outas much as I can manage before bottling.

Primary was fairly quick and took 3 days to go through 1.080 to 1.000 and give off a sulfur smell. After feeding incrementally to allow the yeast to gradually eat sugars I’m now left with 8-9 gallons. One brew used the leftover mash that still reeked of fruits and weed to extract anything remaining.

The sulfur smell vanishes after a day once sugar is fed again. As abv climbs the smell of sulfur after 3 days stops entirely and just starts to smell like fruit and nose burning alcohol.

To start the next batch I’ll have to get a new carboy for the next batch. These 3 I’m considering 1 batch split into 3 carboy I’ll be blending back together for the full effects to be in the brew.

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Main brew has finally stalled. It dropped 10 points in all this time to 1.070. The starter brew as I call it has almost gone dry. 1.025 gravity. I mixed up a gallon of the 2 for now and after the holidays I’ll get them all transferred into the final container together.

I know I’m showing pics finally lol. I got some lees from the starter brew in the bottle intentionally to get things going a little faster over the next few days.

1.045 gravity combined at the ratio I chose. Roughly 30% starter brew and 70% cherry/main brew.

The bits stuck are the saffron I added to the cherry brew a bit ago.

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It tastes really good. Boozy, but tasty. A lot like jelly/jam. I got a peanut butter whiskey and a grape seltzer and mixed them after the first cup tasting. It’s straight up peanut butter and jelly cocktail now lolll. Kinda chocolate and coffee flavored aftertaste as well.

Left is PB&J cocktail and the right is the diluted with ice and seltzer mix.