Weird leaves 🤷🏻‍♂️

@George is here. Honest he’s the OG plant doctor.


I agree with you and was going to post the same webpage :sweat_smile:, I don’t think it may be a deficiency or pH related as all the plant would be affected, my second guess would be broad mites, is the new growth also curled? Sorry for the bad options… beer3|nullxnull


Yes seems so …

Then check this page and compare, hope I’m wrong. … :sweat:


I believe the captain jacks might have caused a couple plants to get phytotoxicity. Put the effected plants in lower light. I have this on a few of my plants that were sprayed with green clean back in March. A couple never grew out of it after the spray and growth will come out somewhat normal and then crinkle up within a few days. I have since put them in a lower light situation and the growth seems to stay less crinkled.


Damn, I hope you are too……

It says to get rid of infected plant matter, if it’s new growth… I mean sounds like I trash the plant and start treating the rest even if no signs yet?


I do not think you have russet or broad mites. They love lower new growth. They will suck it dry and your plant will look like its drying on the stalk. Under a loupe it will look like someone dusted a bunch of dandruff on the leaves, but those are the mites.


I’m not saying you have them, just the possibility. I would separate the suspicious plants from the rest, just in case, trim a damaged leaf and inspect the back with a loupe or scope. Only then having that info you could take the appropriate decisions, I cannot make them for you … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks for chiming in with your advice @George. I hope your keeping OK buddy. I don’t seem to see your name pop up that often these days. :v:


Willing to learn from others and help, thanks for tagging, a bit distracted but still around, always wanting to keep in touch with good people like you, hope everything’s fine on your side … beer3|nullxnull


I’m doing OK bro. Just getting a little bored with not being able to do my job anymore. Trying to put more of my time into our hobby and changing things up so I’ve got to learn again to keep me occupied.
Hopefully your distraction isn’t anything to worry about but you know me if I can help with anything let me know.
Hey what’s with this new rule Spain has got for uk holiday travelers?? We’ve got to have minimum of £100 a day to spend to enter the country. If I’m on a 14 day all inclusive I’ve got to have £1400 that I’ll likely not spend much of :rofl:
Spain is nuts but you know I loved my time over there.

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plant one yeah still dont know, plant two less concerned, and plant 3 looks fine, id just space them out as well as you can given the privacy situations and see if things change, the 1st plant is most suspect to me

So, some articles say increase temps can kill them. Last year I battled temps in the greenhouse, with temps getting up to 110 for short periods in a day… my goal this year was to prevent that and have been pretty successful. I bring this up because they say even a hour or two could kill the broad mites if I have them. I went most of last summer reaching 100’s most days for a few hours and my plants did pretty darn good, so I’d not be too concerned with an hour or two for one or two days.

I have a higher powered magnifier arriving today, so will try to verify mites or not :crazy_face:


Ok so…… if I have mites of any kind…. And I see them under a microscope…. Would they be moving? I see a lot of, what looks like possible mites or eggs… but nothing is moving at all. Some I watched for a few minutes…

I plucked a variety of different leaves and it’s all about the same.


They should move, I recorded this one with a scope, can you post some pics of those leaves? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Which leaves? The ones I plucked dried up and I tossed. But I can post more pics when I go out to water them if you want

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I looked them over with my microscope and I see nothing moving. I spent a bit checking each blade on each leaf… I tried the other day to get a pic through scope but it doesn’t translate well

Can you see them only in the reverse of the leaf? That would discard deficiencies and could be eggs or poo, if it happens only in some leaves that enriches the possibility of having bugs … icon_e_confused|nullxnull

I don’t see any bugs. That I can tell at least, and certainly not any that are moving. It’s kinda a mystery, the plants overall look pretty good.

your determination is admirable. my issue is mainly light contam but also lots of people. but a nice harvest would be most rewarding.
this year had first 4 seedlings eaten by a rodent (probably the neighbors dog), next 4 got sprayed by the tree guy and stunted. popped 4 more and the sun and warmth went away and the rain came out the second i planted them. bought 4 clones, god knows whats in store for them.
going nuclear like you on it.
thanks for the inspiration.

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