Weird leaves 🤷🏻‍♂️


I use oyster flour, but I’ve ran out of it about a year ago. Definitely a solid source of calcium!! Insect frass has some but it’s got more of Magnesium, so don’t rely on it to replace oyster. Good news is oyster sticks around for quite a while. Even after you think it’s been depleted, increasing your microbial populations can help to release it from it carbonate bond that may likely just be tied up.

Or hit it with a little bit of acid like brown rice vinegar, that will help release it. 1:500, I would go stronger than that unless your soil is alkaline and your experiencing a lockout.

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Thanks, I’ll have to look into the brown rice vinegar. I don’t add much for acids to my soil. I do add compost which should contain humic acids.
I add all sorts of shit though, literally and otherwise

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For whatever it’s worth, check out my thread:
Recycled True Living Organics w/coco.

I’m on a mission to encourage growers to cut out peat and grow with coco and humus/compost, using water only. Forget all about adjusting pH, that’s what the soil biology is for. Plants can actually alter the pH as well based on what compound needs they have without any help from us. Mother Nature doesn’t whip out her pH pen.


Any idea what this could be??

I’ve been quite fortunate in my decades of growing, but from my perspective it looks like very bad nutrient burn. Possibly viral but like I said, I’ve been very fortunate to never have experienced any virus with my cannabis.

I’ve had outdoor Tomatoe plants do something similar, minus the necrotic lesions. But it was due to excessive watering. Basically the plants were taking up more water than environmental conditions favored to sustain equal growth. Once I allowed a wet/dry cycle of the soil, they bounced back with healthy normal leaf appearance.

Can you provide more info about your environment, watering frequency, nutrients and soil mix. More info would help. But I’m sure someone else may possibly have seen this before.

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I’m in Coco+perlite.
Feeding Jacks 321.

Plants are hardly a month old, so watering them whenever the Coco gets dry

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Coco should be treated like Hydroponics. It should be watered completely at least once a day.Many coco growers say it shouldn’t be allowed to dry out ,as it spikes the ec.Thry watering more and more often.GL

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