Weird leaves 🤷🏻‍♂️

football season would perfectly coincide with the harvest window lol drunk people who cant find their cars but can follow the dank


Lol so true

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€2300 actually, so almost 2 british grand. They’re expecting 900 euro’s on top of the 100 bucks a day. I’m just wondering if that’s per person, cause if I wanna go to spain with my wife and 2 kids for 14 days that makes over 9 grand. I mean, come on. I wouldn’t even spend 9 grand if I went there for 2 months with 4 kids.

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It’s mental isn’t it? I think it’s the Spanish economy trying to recover from covid.

idk could be. But if they plan on deporting every tourist that doesn’t have proof of finances or ample cash on them, they might find themselves a less popular destination soon enough. Who knows though. Would not surprise me there’s enough ppl willing to deal with the bullshit or take their chances anyway. It’s a very popular destination here in Europe.

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Maybe they’re just trying to avoid this … frech|nullxnull



If anything the extra cash you’d have on you would make the drinking and partying even worse. I know if ive got a pocket full of money I’d sit drinking until I’ve either got nothing left or I pass out :rofl:


That and the spicy food will kill you … frech|nullxnull

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That’d be true if they did’nt limit alcoholic drinks to 3 per person and dividing them between lunch n dinner. They ain’t kidding. Gonna be a lot more illegal boozing that’s for sure!

What?!?!?! Limit alcohol to 3 drinks per person? Where I live we have several very large brewery and there’s a tavern on almost every block in my city. Milwaukee is the worst, we have so many drunk driving deaths it’s unreal. That and fetynal overdoses. Lol not to mention all the crack and meth heads running around. Moving off the grid doesn’t sound too bad to me anymore.

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So this is the best pic I can get out of my microscope.
I have still not been able to find ANY moving bug of any sort. But I see this ….

They look like eggs? But, as I said, I still cannot spot any bugs whatsoever… none.


I thought most bug eggs were layed in clusters? :thinking:
Sorry, that’s all I got

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Pretty sure those are just sessile trichomes. Everyone loves the stalked ones and thanks to IG they should be a foot long in ten years :rofl:
However, they aren’t the only type of trichome on the plant.


So I’m thinking either it’s nothing to worry about…… or a virus of some sort…… or some nutrient excess or deficiencies

Well said!!!

I believe tomatoes do a similar, I see alot of this on the branches.

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I’ll be checking my tomatoes with a loupe when I get home :grinning:

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Yeah, its odd, but for as long as I can recall, every outdoor mater has done it for me. I wonder if it’s a natural pest repellent or if the plants do when they super healthy and have an accumulated high brix. Almost like it’s weeping tiny specks of glucose to attract potential pollinators.

I always hit my veggies a couple times early in the season with neem, more less to give them a fighting chance when they’re tiny and desired by chewers. Mabey it’s possibly from the neem treatments.

Alternatively I do ammend with quite a bit of frass, could be a SAR response from the chitin.

Damn, now I have to research this… :laughing:


Any particular frass you use and did you purposefully pick it? I’ve been considering it as a supplementation to my regimen

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I really like Down to Earth brand. It’s a 3-1-1 compared to others being a 2-2-2. Both are suitable but with the method in which I grow, I find myself needing more N than anything else. The high populations of bacteria in my soil consume a fair amount for their functions. Also, the exoskeleton of an insect is more easily broken down by bacteria and much quicker to release chitin compared to the alternative crustacean shell. Both have ample amounts of chitin, but the crustacean chitin is locked away by all that calcium, which must be broken down first to release it.
In short, frass is faster because it’s plant protien based. Crustacean is carbonate.

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1 of my supplements in soil is crushed oyster shell. I crush it further to help break it down quicker, but I know it takes awhile. I try to prepare it a few times a years with the slow releases so its always poppin

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