Weird Wtf moments

I needed a plug for a small project.

(I knew I had the face of one handy so I’d use that for parts then find a back).

Looks in drawer…could only find faces of plugs :neutral_face:

Decided it would be quicker to take the full plug off an adapter I had lying around.

Took the plug apart only to find that I would need that little plastic bit that keeps the wires down.

I went back in the drawer for a bit of plastic from one of the faces, (couldn’t find any :neutral_face::sweat_smile:)

I shut the drawer then looked back in a second later and a full plug was just there… Like wtf :sweat_smile:

What other wtf moments have you had??

Be sure to write in the comments

Och aye and hit a like and subscribe, it helps me out and it’ll help buy a pair of stabilizers for @Esrgood4u’s Rally Grifter :sweat_smile:


Every damn time.


My ribs are still hurting. I maybe should have taken the full 6 weeks off :disappointed:


I’m still feeling it from ages ago.
Got to keep active or it hurts even more
It takes ages for ribs to heal as well.
worst pain ever.
Just hooked up with a bird named Heather :sweat_smile:

Poet nd a know it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::fearful:


Uhh I’ve no pics for evidence but four years ago I full on punched a wall and dislocated two of my knuckles. You know the thing is I’ve an anger issue, still do but in a moment of anger rather than punching straight through the shitty eggshell door I punched the brick wall. Took a long fuckin time to recover my strength back to this day struggle to open jars it’s quite funny as it’s my main hand :rofl:

The weird wtf moment was when I’d punched it and felt something move in my hand and I looked at my hand and put my other hand on my forehead and sighed and the thought was… what the fuck… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


She any good then???