What's your most embarrassing moment?

I was on the 8th grade basketball team and made a basket for the opposing team :frowning_face: I remember looking at my team and coaches, and they didn’t say a word…


So I was in the 7th grade playing with fireworks with a bunch of people. The fuse went out on a Roman candle so I broke it in half and lit it at the middle.

I got shot in the face with 5 fireballs.

Maybe not the most embarrassing but the first one that springs to mind. I’m sure there are many.


Probably being locked in a locker during gym class in middle school.


The worst part about that experience was looking the kid in the eyes that let you out of the locker. You weren’t alone in that one. Middle school was rough.


It was the gym teacher who let me out. Everyone left to their next class. The reason, I wore my socks pulled all the way up with shorts. Needless to say, I’ve never worn my socks that way since. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hard to say.

The older I get the more I realize that anytime I felt “shame” or “embarrassment” it was often a projection of my psychotic Mother. I wasn’t embarrassed, but she was and verbally abused me to ensure that I knew “what I did was WRONG”.

Looking back there was nothing ever wrong but it seemed that way to her due to her unchecked anxiety and anger.

Typing this I can only thing of sporting an erection in a speedo during puberty during a swim meet… on the STARTING BLOCK… but the shame came when I got verbally throttled by my mother hours later for making her “almost die of embarrassment.”

Lesson learned; let your kids be kids. They’ll still get fucked up but in a different way at least.


Had my cousin pull my shorts and boxers down in front of my 8th grade gym class. It sucked but I made a nice recovery.


I brought the kegs to parties in college. Well I got so drunk I fell through there table and stopped the whole party.
If I didn’t bring the kegs they would have beat the shit out of me. Worse thing was it was a all custom high-end expensive ass wood table. Made by their dad.

I feel like an ass to this day.


Not to mock the situation @Pawsfodocaws , but it sounds to me like Dad didn’t do a great job making that table very sturdy :laughing:


I fell off a couch. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I was attempting to hurdle.



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Lmao,. It was actually kind of awesome now that I look back to it.


This is a tough question. I remember being pretty embarrassed when I was woken up sleeping in a stairwell and got called all sorts of nasty things when I was 15 and homeless. Than again my self esteem was pretty low at that point.


Being born. :no_mouth:



Someone depants me during the Pledge of Allegiance.


I had a buddy pants me at the bar once, undies and all. I tried to chase him with my pants still around my ankles and went down pretty hard, in a bar full of people, with my bare ass up in the air. That was embarrassing :rofl:🥲


We were running out through the football field toward another field in gym class. I was talking to a friend while jogging and not paying attention I somehow ran into the field goal post. It was padded, but my pain was the entire class laughing at me.

But then a week later a kid got a boner and didn’t properly utilize waistband technique and my sin was forgotten.

A lifetime of embarrasment, but that one sticks out as noteworthy and is actually funny and not sad lol.


I can’t really think of anything outstanding. I do remember drinking in a bar and I was leaning on the bar in the back of the bar (there was also a bar in the front of the bar) and a yahoo from work, as he passes by, takes my shorts (it was a hot night) and yanks them down to my ankles as he passes by. I just went and picked them up an returned them to their rightful place. The place was packed but everyone was watching the band and I doubt anyone even noticed.

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:blush: my bad… :rofl:

yeah, my issues are just different now. :thinking:

I’m struggling with this one too. Can’t say I’m shameless :sweat_smile: by any stretch, but maybe just to damn proud & reactive. Haven’t had to fight since those days @ReikoX is so fond of :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Indeed I was suspended from school for initiating a fight because another kids killed an insect. :wink: No real ass-whooping but I landed some head punches in front of the principal. Whatcha gonna do. :om:


I just had a vision of Chappelle’s Tyrone the Crackhead as a Mexican saint on one of those candles… :candle:

Oh yeah. Watching my GF ignore me in front of her parents for some random asshole for an evening. :neutral_face: good riddance b tch

:evergreen_tree: :smoking:

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I can’t think of one big embarrassing moment. I’m a man of subtlety and seem to prefer to let random nothing little instances nobody remembers but me run through my brain at will and attack me throughout the day.