Hitchhiking storytime

Any weird stories? :laughing:

I have hitchhiked a lot in different countries.

Weirdest shit for me happened in Finland.

This guy was listening to this tune amongst others from the same girl (now a grown woman and “real artist”) when she was taking part in some childrens singing contest:

He was making weird “well if youre a vegetarian you dont suck dick do you” jokes to my g/f.:disappointed_relieved:

Towards the end of the journey he opened more and more about the bad state of his relationship that “Wife got fat and ugly after two kids so we never have sex now, or maybe once a year.” (he was half-bald, a bit overweight not-the-handsomest guy himself, with a beer belly you could almost put a can on top and have it stay there) :weary:

When he was about to let us off, he asks: “Could I be the third wheel in your bedroom?” :scream:

We got out of the car real fast. :joy:

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So weird. That would have cheeped me out. Sounds like he goes out looking to be a third wheel for someone that needs a ride.

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OMG! :scream: I love those guys that judge/put down their women and aren’t anything to look at.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I think I rather walk.

Ran away with my girlfriend who is now my wife. Part one of my/our hitchhiking experience starts in North Carolina 1977. My girl, My buddy John and I get a ride in Raleigh, NC headed to Dallas Texas. This young guy picks us up asks where we are going and says OK. Turns out he was married and went out for bread and milk when found us.

1/2 way through TN. we are running out of gas and no one has any money. e pull in to a hotel parking lot around 2am and start siphoning gas out of a car. Next thing we know some big guy grabs my buddy and tells us to follow him to the office. He was an off duty cop on vacation. With a wink and nod we signal my buddy. We slowly follow them towards the office in the car. Suddenly we fling the door open and my buddy breaks free jumps in and off we go. Driving through dark country roads 80 mph with our lights off. Because we know the cops are being notified.

Make to Nashville before our ride has second thoughts and splits. We grab our first ride with a trucker. Very nice fellow who ended up taking us in to Dallas. After a week in Dallas my girl got picked up by the police and sent home, 3 days later my buddy split on me with no warning.

After a month in Dallas I decided to head home. This is where the story gets interesting

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Part 2

I make my way to the big Dallas truck stop and start looking for a ride towards home. Must of asked 30 truckers before I finally found one headed east. He told me that he only needed to run in to the Florida panhandle but after we dropped his load he would take me to I 95 but we had to make a stop in Louisiana.

Somewhere in Louisiana we turned off the road and headed down this long dirt road. Seemed like we drove for 10 miles down this dirt road before I could see the faint glow of a bonfire. It was a giant trucker party in the middle of nowhere and we had the beer. I remember they cut the seal off the truck that the brewery puts on. Fork lifted a pallet or beer off the truck and handed the driver an envelope. Off we went after a couple of beers and a wild sex show.

The next day he drops me off outside of Jacksonville on I 95. I get picked up by a young couple. She’s from the deep south, what I’d call, a hillbilly. He was from Mass. they were headed back to Mass. to get married. They had a 1/2 tank of gas when they picked me up with hope that I had some money. So I told them I didn’t have any money but knew how to get some.

We hit 3 or 4 different motels looking for unlocked cars with CB’s. Stole 1/2 dozen CB’s and headed to the nearest truck stop to sell them. Since I did all the work I kept all the money, about $150 if I remember correctly. Not bad, plenty of money to make it home and get something to eat.

Once we got going the young lady started coming on to me in very obvious ways. I kept pushing her hand away and she would not stop until eventually she asked her husband to be if he would pull over so she could show me a good time. I’m think WTF is going on here. I told Tom to stop the car. Either her or I goes in the back seat or I’m walking. They agreed and the rest of the ride home was uneventful.