Welcome to Meesh's Garden

That’s rad! I’m absolutely certain that I will not come up with anything that cool with my gourds. I read that you are supposed to bleach them. Mostly planned to give them away to my crafty friends, but I have my eye on the biggest one out there that I’m gonna keep and make into something.

btw… nice plants Batman!


So, I batted my eyelashes and dangled ideas of grandeur regarding snacks over my sweetie and he has agreed to help me knock out a spot in the veggie patch where the sunflowers were to plant my garlic. He’s not a big fan of working in my garden and it is my circus so I try not to ask very often and usually do it all myself. Damn it, it’s hot today and this old lady has a bad shoulder so the extra help digging out that fkn bermuda grass is gonna help so much. If you’ve never had bermuda grass it’s a vining grass so it’s awful and spreads like wildfire and with every node it roots into the ground instead of having just regular clumps of blades like regular grass. It’s my nemesis out there. Also the very back grass near the fruit trees and shade planters has been overrun by Jezzy poop so we need to knock that out too. Getting to where I don’t want to walk out there. I have been bad lately in my garden and only have been doing the minimum right now to maintain the plants as heat kicks my ass. I’ve kind of been cutting and running. The more I do that though, the farther behind and the more overrun with grass I get. My spring cutting garden is like a grass field at this point as nothing is growing right now too. Sigh. I comfort myself with thoughts of fall and winter when it’s cooler and will have more time to dig everything back out again. Right now, it’s mostly all about the cannabis budding.

I can’t let my aversion to heat and digging today ruin my chances of harvesting my own yummy garlic in the spring! That’s my motivation right now, darn it, and I’m going with it.


32 posts were split to a new topic: WMoon518’s Garden

So, not sure if you guys remember me mentioning one of the last of Gramps 60 year old rosebushes being sick a while back. Well, I was almost positive it had rust and was gonna die. My gardener said nah, I think it just needs a 3 in 1 spray. I sprayed it and forgot all about it. Imagine my surprise like a month or 2 later (yesterday) that the 3 in 1 worked and the plant looks just fine now! :grin::rose:

So, my man helped me turn over the soil where the sunflowers were. I’m gonna let some of those exposed grass roots get cooked in the sun for a day or two and start hand sifting and digging again, bit by bit. I will have garlic! When it comes to digging, my shoulder says that slow and steady wins the race. The dog shit heap that was the back is walkable again! lol It actually wasn’t as bad as I thought.

I need to put a large note on my backdoor telling me to turn the compost so I see it every time I walk out back. I would have had so much by now if I just remembered to turn the damn tumblers every day! I frustrate myself, cuz I always forget about it, especially since they are full and stopped putting stuff in there.


Looking forward to seeing things progress… it’s been a treat so far…:+1:

Slow & Steady Girl… you’re doing great…



Massive root ball from the mammoth sunflowers. The sunflower patch is almost dug out. One more day of digging then I can plant my garlic.


And a nice pot of oregano


Purdy Flowers there Meesh. What the hell are the weird ones, though?


Are the first ones the weird ones? That’s Celosia! They are so bright and cheerful! Followed by Salvia and Asters. Thanks! I swear I thought I labeled them! Must be that other herb I grow, it makes me a tad forgetful at times. :herb::wink:


Those Asters are pretty cool, too. Nice flowers.

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:four_leaf_clover: :hourglass_flowing_sand:



Unless I solarized my entire house, it will never be gone. It’s just the cross I bear. I dig and dig and dig…
Bermuda Grass one of Dante’s circles of hell.


First time I’ve ever grown them! I really like them too! Unfortunately, all of the flowers basically grow on one stem, so to cut them for the house basically means I have to cut down the whole stalk. I’ve cut a stalk of white ones so far. They last a long time and make great cutting flowers, just don’t know how rapidly or if they will grow more from removing them. I may remove one other color for the house and see if they produce more flowers while I leave a few out there to pretty up the garden. The garden is not exactly in full bloom, so I kind of want some color out there as I fade into fall.


I used my credits with Michigan bulb last night. Ended up buying a lot more lilies, to fill in empty spots in the planters and a whole bunch more bleeding hearts a Patriot Hosta and a godzilla painted fern for the shade garden.


Almost forgot. Ordered some wild tulips as well. Says they are a woodland grower and naturalize good in grass and under trees. Hoping they will take underneath my avocado tree. I really would love a carpet of flowers instead of grass or weeds back there. We shall see. I think fall plants ship next month. I can’t tell you guys how many fall planted bulbs I lost last year to squirrels.

Are there any shade plants that you guys grow that you absolutely love?

@anon95954822 I’m pretty sure the next month or two is the time to dig up trillium, my friend.


Decided to start some more container plants. A couple are those damn pelleted seeds. Read somewhere that they were supposed to stay on top of the soil, so I’m trying that this time. I’ve had zero success so far. I didn’t put any of these in starters. Just a soilless mix in their final pot. Felt lazy. lol

So one pot of Sweet Williams, one of purple Sweet alyssum, one mix of verbena/pelleted petunias, One pot of mums (pelleted). I’m curious to see if this works. This is completely new to me to have these all in final pots in a strictly soilless mix. I’ll keep you updated. Not only on whether all these annuals (except Sweet William) actually thrive being started this late or the pellets actually germ, but how it goes in the containers using only soilless mix with chemical ferts.

I am 80% sure that if they germ, Cali weather will allow them to grow and flower regardless of season. I started some marigolds last year in August and they had a whole lifespan through fall and winter.


Maybe the Asters will grow back from cutting it like many plants do. Some benefit and some don’t. Glad to see you’re doing your own tests. Now we’ll all know.

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Asters tend not to grow back if they get chopped to much from what I have done…


That was my guess! I think I’ll just leave the rest outside then for some color while the cannabis buds and just play with my container plants. lol


Hi @Meesh Nice new thread…diggin’ it!

I really enjoy Torenia and Impatiens…also New Guinea Impatiens (these can tolerate more direct sun). Lots of vibrant colors to brighten up shady spots.