Outdoor roof garden in the city working with wat I've got

Gardening really relaxes me so I’ve decided to attempt a small garden on my side roof, I received some pansies the other day that I repotted that are out there atm, also started some bachelor buttons and zinnias today. Have these inside under a t5 light until they sprout at which point I’ll spread them out if need be and hopefully this lovely New England weather has warmed up by then and outside they will go, wish me luck this is completely new territory for me I’m up for the task and open to learning new things happy growing :seedling:


Welcome to OG. :wave: :butterfly:

Your handwriting suggests that I should brief you that :banana:s outnumber :peach:s about 100:1 with cannabis. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:

Wear your safety :safety_vest: gear & have fun! :slight_smile:



Hi @cannabissequoia thanks for stopping by I appreciate the welcome and warning​:crazy_face::crazy_face: lol.


How big are those pots you are germing in? You using a soilless mix or potting soil?

Once you decide to put them outside, remember that you have to harden them off first. Good luck, my dear! Flowers Rule!!!


I think they are 1 gallon I ended up using the pots the pansies came in, I used the happy frog potting soil, I’m so new to this wat do u mean by harden them off?


Slowly introduce them to outside. Take out for a few hours in part shade everyday for 3 or 4 days before leaving them out for good


Thanks I had no idea about hardening clueless over here really just learning as I go will take all the tips n tricks i can get


:relaxed: Plants are more sensitive than people & animals (it seems) & respond slower so it takes time to watch all the different inter-relationships play out in the garden. IMO this is one aspect that Ladies have an advantage… observation & patience, whereas us Hairy-knuckled brutes prefer to SMASH! & “make plant do NOW! Argh!” :japanese_ogre:

So… point being… I can’t remember?

But quick & significant changes in temperature and/or humidity can 'whack most plants. It just doesn’t happen in nature… 'except for the deserts maybe?

…& what’s “significant” to us & our senses is different than plants. To belabor the point… weed is kinda tropical & the last 40 years or so have involved lots of breeding & hybridization to cope with that climate requirement.(making plants work better in colder lattitudes).

Another biggie is that most Cannabis plants, excepting “autoflower” varieties, flower or vegetate depending on day/night-lengths…


:evergreen_tree: class dismissed


Noticed one of the bachelor buttons is starting to sprout already

Second one is starting to pop up only a few hrs later


Noticed the Zinnias are starting to pop up today I can see two so far :grin: the bachelor buttons are going strong, initially I wasn’t sure how they would do and I may hav planted a few to many we shall see, it’s so exciting watching them come to life :purple_heart::seedling:


If you put them on the roof under direct sunlight right away, you will not need to harden them off as you would if you were to leave them inside under the lights for the next few days.

Have fun, good luck!


I think that will work unless it’s too cold still… Maybe wait for 1st true leaf @Calyxander? I think she’s in New England


@Meesh and @Calyxander I’ll keep that in mind for the next flowers I still have cosmos n forget me not seeds, just waiting on the nice weather to get here still drops down into the 30s at night. the news actually just mentioned possible snow in central mass today luckily I’m no where near there born and raised in New England and I’m not a fan of snow or cold esp in april stay safe guys and happy growing


Lots more action happing w the bachelor buttons and zinnias :heart_eyes: something about seeing them first come to life is so exciting


Well considering that most people aren’t plant maniacs, as I am, you probably would not be willing to move them out for daylight sun (if it’s warm enough), and then bring ‘em back inside (because it is still too cold to leave them out overnight).
Because I am decidedly maniacal, that is what I would do.


Watching seeds come through the soil, no matter what kind is the best thing ever! When you do plant those cosmos, you can just stick them in the pot directly outside. They are super easy. Fast and practically instant gratification when growing. I love them. Planted last year and have had volunteers ever since.


Put the flowers out on the roof today its supposed to be nice the next few days and w my bf home all day I put him in charge of taking them in later.
The pansies seem to be doing good so far after transplanting, then it rained for two days so they got plenty to drink still working out the setup just have them out in the sun will be arranging them some way whenever I get the time


Just be careful bringing them in. Could bring bugs into your grow tent.


So it ended up snowing last night :snowflake:, luckily I watched the news and remembered to bring the bachelor buttons, zinnias, and pansies inside wen I got home from work. The seedlings I planted seem to be doing good I’ve been leaving them outside with the pansies, which are doing great lots of flowers looks like they are getting bushier too and of course they smell amazing


yup i brought in thrips from taking seedlings outdoors for the sunlight, but i think i put them near the grass. it’s probably too cold for thrips now anyways if it’s snowing