Welcome to the jungle faaark

I am growing outdoors in the jungle in Central America and I am coming to accept the fact that good and bad insects as daily visitors is normal and I usually have a pretty balanced little system with predatory guys cleaning up for me but recently I had a slight calcium toxicity issues with a few plants(maybe 6 out of 20) and since then the pest pressure on those with damaged leaves has been heavy. It’s been easy to control the amount of mites up to today when I found a new pest I’ve never seen. Under the scope they mostly look like black shiny eggs and hard to tell if they are moving, I did also find a few bigger grey kind of hexagon shaped things that were definitely moving. Touch wood I’ve never had aphids but I think these are black Aphids. Please help :skull_and_crossbones:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Return of the mites