Well shucks.....another strain goes fem only

My favorite strain is Island Sweet Skunk from Next generation
I find it cures.my thoughts my pain and insomnia and keeps. me down until .about 545 am.
I found if.i.called.my order.in and spoke.to Taylor.he would.often give growing advice, ask about things in Oklahoma and just have a nice conversation and get some.freeebies too. Last.time I called he doubled.my order at no charge.
Just from grins I went into his website and found there are no.more Island sweet skunk regular seeds for.sale.
Luckily I have 17 regulars.left and 7 feminist seeds.
So as soon as.i.can get some space.cleaned out.i need to.do.a seed run…me think :thinking:


Definitely a good option, but you can also just cut a clone from all the ISS plants you have/grow - and keep the best one going forever.


I been running Romulan grapefruit
And dancehall and some.pineapple thai outdoors…i.will be pollinating the romulan with pineapple thai since I could not get them to.flip.with the silver thiosulfate.or. clloidal.silver…then collect those seeds and maybe keep.one rgft momma. I.have dance hall seeds.
Moms are great but they take up.a lot.more.room than seeds

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Plus I send seeds.of.my strains to a friend and he sends me his…we always have each other for backup if something goes south…

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Cut a clone from all the plants. When they show sex, cull the males. When you finish the grow and have identified the keeper female, you’ll already have her clone ready to flip to 12/12.

Cut a clone from that one and flip the new mother. You keep doing this with the keeper female: cut a clone (or 10!) from the new mother, then flip her to flower. You don’t keep one mother - you keep a clone of the keeper you’ve just spent 3 months identifying.

OK, so keep one of the males long enough to collect all of his pollen. You can make a million seeds with it if you collect enough and store it properly. The bonus is that you’ll be making F2’s with a pheno hunted female. If you cut multiple clones from the keeper mother, you can use one of those clones to make hundreds or thousands of seeds with.


But you’ll have consist results and save space and time vegging all female clones. Plus, cost of seeds to have many variations between plants. If you only have one grow space for veg and bloom then I get it, but a bonsai mom in a 6” container can be done almost anywhere. A couple cfl or off the shelf screw in LED bulbs is all that’s needed to keep one healthy and producing endless clones. You can go even smaller on the container size, but a solo cup size mom is more of a challenge to keep healthy

A bit busy on this shelf but it works for a few moms and the clone domes I use


I kept one bubba mom going for three years but she finally gota nutrient imbalance, then was attacked by mites and succumbed…I can do the recurring.recutting and reveging mom thing better than keeping one small it seems. I haven’t gotten the hang of it.
I do use CFL lights for my.mom room, they are 6500 k and 35watts.

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Rightnow.i.have 4 ROMULAN grapefruit clones going and cannot seem.to get seeds from that strain. So i.may give it up or cut.my.moms back to.bonzai size so.i can run the ISS…trouble.is if I want to run anything else.im gonna have to find a another room.
I have a shed but its rather humid in there due to the concrete floor being below grade and no vapor.barrier

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