I Need your opinions

I grew.upstates cryptic labs oaxacan last year and the year before
During last years growth I grew three female seeds from Kahlifa genetics… left them outside with the oaxacan so they got pollination in an open situation
These were a cross of cambodian and aces golden tiger
Out of these three one was a big producer and smelled great one was mediocre and small and a third was medium size but very potent. It has the kind of high I have been looking for.
Unfortunately I screwed the rev veging process and she died before I could clone her. Then I left her flower in the jar too long and she molded. I have a small amount I harvested sperately and have been smoking it. Three hits on a pin joint and I’m flying six hits and it’s like a small dose of shrooms …the next day I actually feel zen like and reintegration of my emotions is easier and I’m very calm and mellow.

  1. Can I take the moldy weed and soak it in everclear and make a tincture or will the mold ruin this process. I’m not gonna smoke the moldy weed. Maybe I can make tincture or hash oil?
  2. Growing the seeds that were open pollination with Oaxaca would be my only way to find this pheno again but how many will I have to grow? Obviously half will be males then I will have f1 females to art through. Will it be the next generation before this pheno pops up?
    I can only grow 12 plants at at one time
    In this state although I don’t think anyone is looking at my tiny backyard patch

No, never mess with mold.

Pheno hunt it… Grow seeds, sort out males, grow females, clone all females & label them keep clones in veg untill mothers are grown and smoked, this way you know what plant is the pheno you want and you don’t loose it.

Grow 12 or more at your own risk.


Agreed. I would never knowingly ingest moldy weed. I trashed my whole harvest once (probably 1lb dry) when I found mold.

That’s one reason I don’t even try outdoors here anymore. Could probably grow several pound plants easily, but you are going to see mold and bud rot late season. I know plenty of people that just pick off the “bad” buds, but you won’t catch me touching their stuff.


I don’t mind using PM bud in a water hash but as far as jar mold I wouldn’t.

Chuck it. Acceptable losses.

And agreed about pheno hunting if you really like it. But only if.


Once in a while you get shown the light

I went out this morning and looked over in her pot…I had dejected sat the planter out by the door of my studio when she died.
Now she has babies!

I’m not a good cloner. Will I need to.clone all the plants and then flip.them to see which are.males?..is there a reliable and fast way to sex them early?


In theory your best bet is looking through the f2 or f3 generations to find plants similar to the parents, but you might get lucky and find the high you like in the f1


You could yes, but i ment clone them so you know 100% what plant you flowered makes you happy, then you have that particular plants clone in veg already, then just take more clones, from that special clone to flower more = endless cycle of your favorite plant


Oh! Congrats. That’s a happy accident! Dig up those babies carefully in a couple weeks and get them into their own pots.

You can send leaf samples to leafworks for dna testing and they will tell you male or female. But it’s real expensive (like $15 per test/plant)



Oh I dug them babies out already and out them in some light soil under a LED about an hour ago!
I never know when an frost is gonna kill everything. They were real leggy and falling over too so I put em deeper in my light soil mix


They are fighters, just on general principle
I have to grow them.


Please dont do it.It may be a small risk but its one thats not worth your Health.Sucks for the loss but We’d much rather you safe and sound homie.Theres always more Oaxaca and some of its even better than the last.


Here they are. Maybe I will start a grow diary…maybe


Pm doesn’t make mycotoxins so its meh ok to use.
Moldy weed does produce mycotoxins. Any attempt to try and remediate the mold will actually make the mycotoxins more potent. Many legal farms buy moldy weed to remediate it to pass mold spore testing, but theres no way to eliminate or destroy mycotoxins and the labs aren’t required by the states to do mycotoxin testing, so many are actually getting poisoned.
TL:DR, moldy weed is only good for compost, never ever consume it.

#2, i would look into growing out a few of those seeds and then self them. Making S1’s of each of those seeds is the best way to chase the unicorn. Its a shit ton of work, but if that one plant was your Eleanor, it might be worth that extended effort.


This is actually a pretty amazing situation. I personally enjoy it when chaos creates a clear path. Hope you find what you’re looking for!


Two days later they look amazing. They like the small led. Shop light just fine. I set it about a foot .from them.

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