What Are the Biggest Beans You've Seen?

i dont know about what you are asking, but i have seen some old school colombian gold seeds that were the size of a green pea, not green giant, but it was bigger than “early peas” and smaller than the green giant peas. they were freaking huge, and i wish to this day i had those particular seeds, i bet they’d last forever in proper storage they were so big.


Chinese food/oil hemp seeds seem to be able to get HUGE, like 5-10x the size what hemp or cannabis seeds from the west usually are. I don’t master chinese so no clue why. Found in an organic bulk food store in Scandinavia. And they were certainly not huge because the hemp plants were early and lightly pollinated, because of course they are pollinated to a maximum in the fields.

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Big seeds grow slower. They contain more nutes, but less enzymes to get more nutes quickly from the soil.

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