What are the most potent in "effect" landraces you have tried?

Lo haré, pero todavía falta un buen tiempo. La tengo en 12/12 de luz casi desde el primer día (sembrada en octubre), empezó a florecer en diciembre. El moño es muy lindo, esponjoso, verde oscuro con pelos naranjas.

Esa Durban se ve maravillosa, me interesa mucho. Como dices, para efectos indicos habrá tiempo después de la muerte, ahora quiero energía :smiley: Justo anoche buscando el link de la Zamal estaba viendo esta durban.

¿Sabes si Cannabiogen no volverá a sacar su punto rojo? Hace tiempo la busco, y no la encuentro. Quisiera cultivarla para compararla con lo que consigo aquí.

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It can be and adventage in order of sex identification with this very long florewin sativas, if ya think bout this…

Tropical Seeds sais that ya can see this autoflorewin/early-florewin-tendence with a few number of Old Congo, Doble Congo, & King Congo genos, too…

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Por lo que he oído, Mangobiche Cannabiogen es aun mejor que su Punto Rojo, pero yo no he cultivado ninguna…

Sembré dos (Mangobiche) que no germinaron. Trataré de lijarlas y sembrar otras dos, pero quedé un poco molesto y las metí a la nevera (o sea, fuera del frasco con lo que voy a sembrar a mediano plazo).

I planted two (Cannabiogen Mangobiche) that did not germinate. I will try to scarify them a little and plant other two, but I got a little pissed and put them in the fridge (thus, out of the jar where I keep the beans to be planted on the medium term).

Another very famouses sativas landraces crossed’s strains here are Doble Jam Cannabiogen/ACE/USC (Jamaican Lambsbreed Colectivo Vives X Jamaican Blue Montains Cannabiogen), Doble Thai Cannabiogen/ACE (Meao Thai Cannabiogen X ?Thai), Doble Zamal USC/Tropical Seeds Co (Zamal Mafate 80’s X Mauricio Lasko), Doble Congo Tropical Seeds (Congo Point Noire X Black Congo) Destroyer, , Panamá , & Punta Rosa (Pelo Rosa Panameña X Punto Rojo) CannaBioGen, Zamaldelica ACE…

Another landraces cross strain candidate to bark at the full moon inna The Dogs’ House this year…Malawi Jam (Malawi Gold X Jamaican Lambsbreed):

Double Zamal by USC is also waiting here… As you can see I also root for Team Sativa, and I like to try the same strain from different breeders when available.

Almost everything I hear about World of Seeds is bad, but I wanted to try these supposed landrace collection. It will take a while, until I go back outdoors.

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Ill have to check if the Columbia gold I got is cannabiogen or world of seeds, I have orders from both in the past, I see a comment that world of seeds has bad reviews done so well for some though hope mine are good ones

Yes, it is a bet (one about which I don´t have high expectations). I would only run these outdoors, and take clones before flowering… flowering these on a tent seems like too much risk (in terms of expenses and effort, hermi risk, yield, etc).

@Heritagefarms If I´m correct, ACE/Cannabiogen don´t do Colombia Gold, but only mangobiche and punto rojo.

Yeah it might be world of seeds then Idk I have most of the strains from both companys that are landrace

Im pretty sure it will be from “World of Shit”, Im afraid : a shit (ever pure sativa; only a comercial hibryd).
World of Seeds musted change their totally false/fantastic description of that strain, after havin a hard discussion with/against me in a Spanish forum, more than a decade ago… If ya want I can look for a resume (in Spanish)…

I’d like to read that. I would still put some of those outdoors once I have enough space, but it’s not like I would be very dissapointed if they end up being shit.

Lo de la A.G. de World of Shit esta por algún viejo hilo de CannabisCafe y Bitox:
Agarrate, paisa, que vienen curvas: resulta que la A.G. de W.o.S. era la mas auténtica, creada por un bredeer mucho más legendario que @BreederSteve…: el mismísimo Libertador, Simón Bolívar…
…sigo o ya tienes bastante película de “” Sativa Jones: En busca de la Acapulco Gold pérdida"…?

The A.G. of World of Shit is by some old thread of CannabisCafe and Bitox: Agarrate, paisa, that come curves: it turns out that the A.G. of W.o.S. It was the most authentic, created by a much more legendary bredeer than @BreederSteve …: the very Liberator, Simón Bolívar …
Continue, or ya have right now enough “” Sativa Jones: In Search of the Acapulco Gold Loss "… .?


Me imagino que el cuento ese vende… Bolívar, la versión latinoamericana de George Washington, cultivador de cannabis (quizá cáñamo, pero bueno). No es fácil reconocer que no tenemos idea de qué pasó, y que hasta ahora nuestras teorías son poco más que literatura. :slight_smile: En todo caso, debe haber sido muy simpática la defensa de esa teoría.

Me pregunto si la historia habrá venido de un tipo cualquiera, en la playa, buscando un precio mejor para sus semillas criollas.

_I guess such tales sell… Bolívar, the latinamerican version of G. Washington, cannabis breeder (more likely hemp I guess). It is not easy to acknowledge we don´t have a clue aboutwhat happened, and that to date our theories are little more than literature :slight_smile: Now, the defense of such teories should have been funny. _

__I wonder if the tale came from some guy, at the beach, trying to fetch a better price for his creole bagseeds…

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Not fully landrace but Reefermans Jamaica berry was fantastic…its supposedly a 1970’s lambs breath jamaican sativa crossed with a dj short blueberry

Je, je: ese es el origen de más de una variedad (una de las ultimas “de esas”: Zipolite (" BEACH") Oaxaca… Y es que las mejores “Strains Hunters Expedition” las hacen algunos en complejos hoteleros centroamericanos e hibernaderos españoles, je…
… Pero en el caso de A.G. by W.o.S. ni eso: en la foto de los primeros catalogos su A.G. parecía una SúperSkunk y decian florecía en 9 semanas… Un híbrido de Skunk, probablemente… ( pero peor aún que la que sacaría años después Barneys)…
También decían que Bolívar había entregado sus semillas a una “secreta” “tribu” amerindia colombiana, que desde Bolívar hasta ahora habrían mantenido esa A.G. en secreto hasta, oh, milagro, que algún bravo explorador de W.o.S. “encontró” a la tribu…quienes rápidamente le regalaron todas.las semillas de esa excepcional A.G…


Es que hay que ser muy, ¿optimista?, para pensar que en un viaje corto, a un país que no conoces (ni acaso el idioma) vas a encontrar fácilmente joyas así, en esta época de polución genética. Yo soy un fumeta de décadas, paisa, vivo en Colombia, y las pasaría canutas si tuviera que conseguir Punto Rojo y Mangobiche de un momento a otro, y más si tuviera que ser “pura”. Conozco la historia que dices de Bodhi… ahora al menos esos paquetes vienen junto con otro (¿igual?).

You would need to be very, optimistic?, to think that in a short trip to a country of which you don´t know even the language, you will easily find such jewels, in this times of genetic pollution. I am decades long smoker, paisa, live in Colombia, and would have a hard time if I had to get Punto Rojo or Mangobiche, much more if it had to be “pure”. I know the Bodhi story you mention, at least those packs now come with another (the same story?).

I actually have some of those Zipolite seeds and they actually came with a pack of Acapulco gold . They probably are mixed ,but Bodhi at least knows alot and he did admit that there was no way he could say they were a pure oaxacan but that it did give an uplifting high and was potent.
I still look forward to growing them out ,perhaps this next outdoor season if all goes well!


The problem I see with that is that putting a big name, such as Bodhi, to beach bud seeds, and label it as a legendary strain (now likely lost, and probably only surviving as narcohybrids), does not seem to be good “breeding”, and certainly puts genes in the pool that might not be what people expect. Mostly a problem of labelling/marketing, if you will.

And don´t get me wrong, I buy and run Bodhi gear, and get good vibes from him (have you listened to his Potcast interviews (2)?), but I think the gripe against some of these magically collected landraces is not totally unfair.


Ya me lo contaras tú mismo, cuando de la reproducción de semillas cripa que tan amablemente estas repartiendo algunos de aquí a un tiempo saquen milagrosamente la autentica “Colombiana Ketekagas”, o simplemente las intercambien como autenticas landraces… He dicho " algunos", ojo, Eso pasa en todos sitios, no solo aquí…