CannaBioGen beans?

Hello OG world, I know these guys went out of business last I had heard, really sad. I was curious if anyone has or can point me to where I can obtain some of these genetics.
I’m really interested in their
Punto Rojo X Mango Biche
Acapulco Gold

Here is some pics I found of someone who had finished a run with a few.

And any other Sativa they had to offer.
I appreciate anyones input and all photos , experience, collections are welcome. :pray:t2:

Fat Man.


I posted about some potential CBG sources in the main seed bank thread. Unfortunately, stock has dried up even more through the end of summer. From your list, I think the only one you can realistically find would be Destroyer, but I don’t see any at the bigger banks that are more likely to ship international.

@US3RNAM3 did you have any luck in the end?


man if you end up finding any you should totally make more seeds. those old strains are legendary


I still did not overcome not being able to buy the Red snakes😭. I fell asleep, I never thought they were going to close like this… Good luck in your search brother.


Cannabiogen is an off shoot of Ace Seeds or was when I was in contact with the owner. You may want to contact Ace seeds and perhaps they can help you……


Someone made some AG seeds here last year, but I haven’t had any coffee yet and the brain isn’t working at full steam to remember who…


CBG came before ACE.
Dubi scammed the Vibes guys for their genetics to start his company. He wasn’t even a breeder, just a business man. This is why Malawi is ‘devastating’ because it got crossed with PCK since he couldn’t find a stable male.


I am not sure when Cannabiogen became a business. I do know that Charlie (what he called himself on our forum) started Ace Seeds sometime around 2007 or so. Soon after he was also advertising Cannabiogen. I am pretty sure both companies are based in Spain and started around the same time but I could be wrong.


Yeah, CBG was Kaiki(Charlie) and ACE was Kaiki and Dubi, then Kaiki left and soon after left the industry altogether after being fucked over. Musta is a good person to talk to about this


Someone here has to have some CBG beans.

Whatever happened to the vibes collective? It seems like that was the group to be apart of back in the day.

On ICMAG “Mexican Landrace “ thread was pretty spectacular, lots of old heads in that thread. Including @Elchischas

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I didnt realise that CannaBioGen had put out a hawiian otherwise i would have picked it up, guess ive missed out on that now. Do you have any information on what it was or the CannaBioGen description for it please @Fat_Man ? Thanks.

I seen some very good plants come out of their mango biche too, that’s another one collectors should keep an eye out for if they haven’t got it already. Hopefully afew of the guys here have it reproduced. If afew different guys on og have it or do reproduced it separately, collectively the majority of those genetics should be safe aswell (fingers crossed).


Same! I didn’t know they put out a Hawaiian and an Acapulco Gold. Similarly, I knew of their Mangobiche and Punto Rojo but didn’t know they put out a hybrid of it.

@Fat_Man I emailed Cannabiogen a while back and they were able to point me towards a reputable vendor for some Destroyer. Perhaps they can assist you as well? Unfortunately, none of the other varieties you listed were available when I was ordering. I think those might be hard to find in retail packs from a seed shop but hopefully someone is still working with them and you can find some. I know the feeling. In my naivety I didn’t realize the significance of the Cannabiogen work until just recently and went through a period of regret from not ordering them when they were more readily available. I will say that it fuels my passion to collect even more. You have great taste! If I come across any of these lines I’ll definitely share what I can. Hope you’re having an awesome day. Much love


Are you sure their “Hawaiian” isnt just Lemon Thai?

I never knew them to have Hawaiian, until I gave them beans of it in '18

Who is it that is posting CBG Hawaiian?


VibesCollective was an unique very private forum related just to heirlooms and landraces. Many legendary names was there sharing the real love for the cannabis. Unfortunately the good things never last. I’m trying to do by best at IC with the thread it seems that i’m be able to sow again at my new place so i’ll be showing new stuff at the mexican landraces thread.


American_Sativa_resurrection on IG
It was an old post but if you read his comments he said he sourced from CBG.


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Thank you brother, I know you were apart of that group, are you still in contact with, or still in touch with anyone from that group that would still have some of those old Landrace:Heirlooms they were passing around at that time?

Also did you have any luck tracking down “Four Seasons”?


Thank you brother, much appreciated.

The Destroyer was made by Charlie Garcia , and if I’m not mistaken @Elchischas gave him one of the parent strains used io create “Destroyer” .

Wouldn’t mind having that one either. :pray:t2:


Well i never talked with mister Four Seasons, Charlie García did all the time of those years,he told me about a bunch of interesting things that mister Four Seasons knew… Unfortunately both of them aren’t any more on social media because health issues.
A good friend of mine still keep it the “Four Seasons” Michoacan cut


Yes i did help with the Michoacán verde limón that I sent to Estai 25 years ago, they just convine that one with a colombian strain just to short the flowering time of the Thai mother, the Destroyer project was about that powerful Thai strain but it wasn’t very suitable for comercial purposes by itself.
A good friend of mine Unnamedmike is making a good project with the Best selected cuts of Destroyer making great cross like “Destrochi” its a very promising Cross so in a near future You’ll be know about it :wink:


I think if you contact USC you can get something you are looking for regarding colombians, they are part of the Vibes Collective, being creators of i.e Double Jam(70’s lambsbread x Cannabiogen Jamaican Blue mountain if im not wrong), they did some stuff together, so probably they will have some colombian that you like

Also maybe asking in the American landrace and heirlooms thread you may get point inti someone or smth.

Peace :v: