What are the most potent in "effect" landraces you have tried?

Es que hay que ser muy, ¿optimista?, para pensar que en un viaje corto, a un país que no conoces (ni acaso el idioma) vas a encontrar fácilmente joyas así, en esta época de polución genética. Yo soy un fumeta de décadas, paisa, vivo en Colombia, y las pasaría canutas si tuviera que conseguir Punto Rojo y Mangobiche de un momento a otro, y más si tuviera que ser “pura”. Conozco la historia que dices de Bodhi… ahora al menos esos paquetes vienen junto con otro (¿igual?).

You would need to be very, optimistic?, to think that in a short trip to a country of which you don´t know even the language, you will easily find such jewels, in this times of genetic pollution. I am decades long smoker, paisa, live in Colombia, and would have a hard time if I had to get Punto Rojo or Mangobiche, much more if it had to be “pure”. I know the Bodhi story you mention, at least those packs now come with another (the same story?).

I actually have some of those Zipolite seeds and they actually came with a pack of Acapulco gold . They probably are mixed ,but Bodhi at least knows alot and he did admit that there was no way he could say they were a pure oaxacan but that it did give an uplifting high and was potent.
I still look forward to growing them out ,perhaps this next outdoor season if all goes well!


The problem I see with that is that putting a big name, such as Bodhi, to beach bud seeds, and label it as a legendary strain (now likely lost, and probably only surviving as narcohybrids), does not seem to be good “breeding”, and certainly puts genes in the pool that might not be what people expect. Mostly a problem of labelling/marketing, if you will.

And don´t get me wrong, I buy and run Bodhi gear, and get good vibes from him (have you listened to his Potcast interviews (2)?), but I think the gripe against some of these magically collected landraces is not totally unfair.


Ya me lo contaras tú mismo, cuando de la reproducción de semillas cripa que tan amablemente estas repartiendo algunos de aquí a un tiempo saquen milagrosamente la autentica “Colombiana Ketekagas”, o simplemente las intercambien como autenticas landraces… He dicho " algunos", ojo, Eso pasa en todos sitios, no solo aquí…

Cierto. Las advertencias se quedan enterradas aquí en un foro… Pero creo que literalmente me descojonaría de la risa si llego a ver la Ketekagas.

Ahora, @MiG … que la negra esa que estoy repartiendo puede ser algo bonito. Como te conté, las que cultivé terminé cortándolas antes de tiempo por lo grandes y demoradas, y la que llegaba del llano era medio prensada y no muy bien procesada, pero el efecto es muy limpio y energético. Sin paranoia o acelere, más bien energía y claridad.

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…Yo por mi parte, @TropicalBiophile, tengo también una landrace colombiana legendaria: La Reggetona… Se llama así porque sale de una semilla que se le cayó a Shakira del bolso mientras bailaba con Piqué en un club de Barcelona…(broma por lo de las leyendas cannabicas), je…

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Huy, cosas muchísimo peores han pasado, como que D.P. encontrará y mejorara una legendaria landrace sudamericana durante 20 años; DESFRAN: un clon regalado a un argentino de un geno (algunos le llaman “sugus de pera”) de Destroyer Cannabiogen… La DEStroyer de FRANcisco…
…Cuando la gente se comió vivos a D.P. en CannabisCafe, empezaron a citar a la Destroyer en su catálogo…

Pardone me, in pinche ingles:

Before this thread wandered off we were talking about landraces.

I am afraid what pookie was saying is correct. The Arjans of the world are making everything a hybrid and hoarding landraces to themselves. This is horribly wrong but when you buy seeds from the hucksters (who sell autos and strictly feminized seeds) you give them a reason to do so-$$$$.

If you want landrace then if it has an 'x" then that is NOT IT.

Try The Real Seed Company for landrace stuff. Angus won’t ship to the US so you have to use his middle men like Seedsman or Sinsemillia. I think both are in Spain. There are others around selling close to landrace but when they start with the 'fine cross of " it turns me off.

Don’t buy the crap and we will have landrace seeds. Buy ‘x’ and you are contributing to the Arjan problem.