What are you doing for new years eve?

Hey just wondering what people have planned for N.Y.E. I know there is always big shows, Nye parties, football games and on and on. So for me tomorrow night is just another Saturday day night
with my girl pretty much just take it easy all day maybe eat some shrooms get smoked out af, eat more shrooms, and fall asleep by 10pm :rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy:!! Man a person can get really get boring as they get old. Hopefully you might have an exciting night planned or your just goi g with the flow and see where the night takes you. Maybe an old boring couple like us however you are spending it please share it with us. There is always people who can get a little excitement living vicariously through your story if even for a glimpse. HAPPY NEW YEARS ALL be safe and have a blast I hope everyone’s new year is a great year!!! Happy new years overgrow overgrow the world in the new year!


I plan on taking a third week flower picture* of my apple fritter that’s budding nicely…I have two Mac 1 plants budding as well. It should make for a good day. Then the regular everyday stuff. Nothing special.


Oh ya I’m on the fence about 2 of my girls. I have a super glue and a samsquanch og that are day to day!

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Dead Head OG.


Nothing… probably gonna go to bed before hand then get woken up by fireworks and go wooo and back to sleep.

Yup so exciting lol.


I will be ripped beyond belief, delivering pizzas for a Top 3 pizza chain, to a bunch of broke ass 20-30 somethings that don’t tip, yet want to talk some shit when the delivery took longer than anticipated because it’s New Years Fucking Eve!!!
I can feel the rage building already! :joy::joy::joy:


If it’s not there in 30 minutes is it still free :rofl:
Ahh those were the days!


Working during the day and then sleeping :sleeping: by 9pm lmao.


son’s coming over to play some games with myself and the fiance. probably a little bourbon involved somewhere along the line. i’ve taken to basil hayden now, but larceny or terry bradshaw works also, maybe four roses. nah, they don’t call me bayden for nothing…

happy new year all!


Chillin and grillin…just another day for me folks.


I watered the plants in my flower room. 1 gallon each to 10 reservoirs, which meant three whole trips downstairs, and then measuring out cal-mag. I really need to install a separate water line going to the flower room that bypasses the filter; never needed cal-mag before when I had white scales form on every glass I washed, oddly enough.

Later I plan to fill the humidifier in the veg tent. If I’m feeling really wild, I might even repot some plants from 3g to 10g pots. If I do, I probably won’t even tell anyone about it. I don’t think the world is ready for such excitement… :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll either be in bed and sleeping before midnight (preferred and the plan) or for some reason still be up to see the clock roll over and lament that another year has passed us by.

Damn man have you no shame? I can’t believe you would even mention that in polite company. You’re damn right the world isn’t ready for such excitement. Stop flexing on us with your out of control behavior.


It’s true. I’m a rebel without a cause! Also without a motivation. I do have an armchair and a bowl, though… :wink:


Smoking some ribs, tending the plants, chill with the uno fam, and eat spaghetti at midnight!


Like every year, I’m getting drunk and robbing a Burks. Happy new year!

(This is a joke, don’t get me raided lol)


Whole family has been sick off and on for two months, going to grumpily try to smoke thru my latest sore throat and drink some wild turkey 101 tonight. Hopin 23 has better cards than 22.

Thankful for the good stuff tho, we’ve only been annoyingly sick and not scary sick. Prayers up for everyone dealing with serious illness :pray::pray:


I feel that ^^… my family has sure seen their time of feeling ill this year.

Staying home, always do on amateur night. However, it’s my first Holidays with real deal Chemdog… and for that I’m grateful!

Stay safe and use your head if any are venturing out tonight.


Enjoy that!!! Such awesome taste out of that whole family


Orange juice with champagne is a must today.


Football is on time this year. Fireworks of course.

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