What are you paying at the gas pump

That’s what they are doing. It’s a age old trick…

Rack the prices steady over a period of time up 40%…then drop it 10-15% and leave it there and we think we’re now getting a great steal of a deal lol ffs

(Lol I fabricated those numbers out of anger lol)


$5.40 for real gas, damn it was $12.60 to fill up the wee beast.

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$12.60 Just for my commute to work. 80 miles, 5 days a week…and I typically drive a hybrid. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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After years of a mega-long drive to work (70 miles each way!) where I would fuel every other day, I now have a short commute and drive a hybrid. I’m a homebody and rarely go out so my vehicle sees minimal use. I’ve been filling up about once per month, and yesterday was July’s turn. Price was around $4.70 per gallon. Even with a small fuel bladder (holds under 10 gallons) I was quite surprised at the cost!

Glad I’m not in the ranching business anymore. The one ton duelly hauling a 36’ trailer full of horses all over the state would be guzzling diesel!


Just fueled up the work truck only 520 litre so at 2.30 a litre 1196.00 bucks .


$1.87 a liter since last Friday.


That’s cheap we’re still over 5 bucks a gallon


2 weeks ago, 4.19 and now back up to 5.00 it’s all b.s


Went up overnight in southern California to like $6.09 per gallon


Dam cali is ripping people that’s crazy


They always screw us. Crazy too cuz we are right on the coast. Los Angeles county has like 10 million people and is absolutely huge. Because everything is so spread out our public transportation sucks. It’s almost impossible not to have a car here. They jack us on gas prices because they know we will pay it. We really have no other choice


$2.32 a liter for regular gas here in Canadian dollars.
So $9.28 a gallon for regular. :roll_eyes: :pensive: :frowning:

Edit: Some gas stations are actually charging a little bit more then that as well.


you guys are gettin f**ked :upside_down_face: :peace_symbol:

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It’s been $3.96/gal here for a month or two. We were $5/gal all summer.

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I think we’re around a buck seventy a liter .


Yes we definitely are! :angry:

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We were 1.47 a couple of weeks ago, then it went back up to 1.53 last week, don’t know what the price change was today.

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Oh, buddy…it’s gonna get worse. I’m loaded on natural gas and oil stocks. That Ohio refinery catching fired rose gas prices .20 overnight here.
Biden has the SPR (strategic petroleum reserve) sitting at lows that haven’t been seen since 1980’s.
OPEC (oil producing exporting countries…or something) has decided to reverse a 100,000 barrels per day increase.
EIA (energy information administration) has revised its recent report saying that rather than people “not traveling as much due to covid and recent gas hikes”, …people are actually traveling more than ever…consumption is waaaay up.
…the war in Ukraine…
…the Nordstream pipeline having multiple leaks/sabotages/attacks…
…German and UK shortages of heating fuel…
…on and on and on and on…
Lots of money to be made.

I know lots of you are much smarter than me…if you know something I don’t or have a bearish outlook, please post!!!


i paid $3.39 a gal yesterday and i thought that was to much i know it will be going back up soon so i guess i can count my blessings that its not over $5 here in oklahoma


We are really getting f*cked now went up to 5.45 a gallon for regular in 24 hours 47 cents a gallon in 24 hrs

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