What are you paying at the gas pump

$1.70 a liter in Nova Scotia today,.

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$4.09 A gal. in SW Mt…sigh.

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I can’t believe it but we dropped again to $3.79. It’s usually $3.59/gal here on a good year during summer.

it sucks in the UK:
Diesel = 1.99£ which is about 2.25$usd per litre
Regular Petrol = 1.91£ 2hich is about 2.15$ usd per litre


Midccoast of Maine, prices hovering around $3.55/gal for 87. This time of year, many folks switching to Ethanol Free for the last fillup of lawnmowers, etc…that’s $6/gal
Heating oil running about $5.10/gal
Saw a sign for diesel yesterday at $6.19 (diesel seems to have a VERY wide range in a fairly small area, $6.19 to $4.59
Propane is at about $3/gal


During my morning coffee/internet news cycle, several articles about heating oil costs in Maine and New England. Suppliers are already rationing heating oil, and it’s not even winter yet. If you order 200gal, you get 100. Order 100?..get 50.

I heat with LP, liquified propane, and have 2 “pig” tanks beside my house that just got filled a few weeks ago, so should be good until maybe Feb?..not sure what things will look like then for propane. I also have a woodstove, with 4 cords of seasoned wood, the cost of which has also gone through the roof. past 3yrs I paid $250/cord. This year, in June, I paid $340/cord, I think. And now, that type of wood is sold out everywhere, and pretty much all you can get is kiln-dried firewood at $500/cord.

For a lot of folks, it’s going to be a tough winter here in Maine.


Nothing much to do with our “hobby”…and not sure where to post this…BUT.

I’ve been sort of tracking “dual fuel generators” for a couple of years. They run on either gas or propane, and usually self for between $800-$1,000.

Westinghouse is a popular brand. I just bought a 4kw dual fuel genset from Amazon for 45% off, $350, with free delivery (How the fuck does THAT work?..it weighs 120lbs).
It gets delivered Thursday.

Must be getting phased out, but it’s got 4.5 stars on 3,500 reviews…so that ain’t bad.
I have to big “pigs”, and I’ll have it connected straight to those tanks.
As a bonus, it also features “remote start”.



Isn’t that great with amazon?? The delivery right to door?

I was impressed with my dehumidifier then PORTABLE A/C lol

I might look into a generator myself. My problem is I need one that could run a compressor constantly? I’m not sure what the specific requirements are to carry that load? I heard the problem was that every time the compressor fills up then gets drawn on, it kicks in again and that can trip the generator.

I need to do a bit of research but I’m not too strong with watts and amps lol.

How did your delivery go? Have you used it yet ?

Home heating oil was below a $1 for many years . This past winter it climbed and now is about $1.60-70? My usual $500 order is now $800+

4.50 a gallon for reg. I fill my Subaru up when before it hits half tank. Makes me feel better when 23.00 gives me a full tank :upside_down_face:

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Pump prices have gone back up around midcoast Maine, running right about $4/gal.
Heating oil up around $6/gal, so folks taking a 200gal delivery are feeling a pretty big hit.

Haven’t used the genny yet, just got back from a 3 week trip, but time to get it in place and ready. Haven’t had our first snow storm yet.



that’s a great little trick…unfortunately I’d be at the pump every 2 days instead of 4 lol

I’ll try and drive less.

it’s seems I’m getting alot less mileage…don’t know what could be impacting fuel Comsuption…engine running hot?

my thermostat is fucked too

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It’s $4.78 a gallon here… been hovering between $3.95-$4.95 for about 5 months now-- a couple times wet over the $5.00 mark…but only for a couple days.
The prices of everything else are ridiculous because of it…eggs $3, milk $4, butter $5, cheapo bread $3… beef starts at $5.99 a lb for cheapo burger and chicken is $3 lb for just legs!
How do they expect people to do this?
Last year- My Thanksgiving Turkey was 37cents a lb… this year they were $1.97+ a lb until 2 days before- when they realized they were getting stuck with a truckload of Turkeys-- and lowered it to 78cents a lb…

Used to drive less than 80 miles a week- so no biggie… but now, have to drive our daughter to work and back-- 80 miles a day!! Luckily,only 3x a week- but still !!!


I don’t drive much, less than 100 miles a month. I can go 2 weeks on 4-5 gallons. It does make me feel better filling up my top 1/3 of a tank for 23.00 tho

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Here’s the weird thing.
I know I’ll draw a lot of flack for this, but I stand by it.
Earlier this summer, my wife and I were in Barcelona for a few days getting ready to board a cruise. Beautiful city, and definetly on our “must come back” list.

Walking down the street on our first day, we passed a McDonald’s. HUGE sign in the window. “2 X Triple stacked Cheeseburger, 2 X Lrg Fries, 2 X Lrg Coke - $7.99”
That would cost us about $20 back home in Maine.
A month ago in the UK, we had several similar experiences. Gourmet lunch at a Michelin restaurant, wine, 3 courses, $73/ea. That would have been $400 all day long here.
Couple that with the fact that they had NO covid “assitance” from the government…and it’s easy to come to the conclusion that we’re getting totally screwed here in the US.

I don’t know how people are handling it either. Turkeys were $.47/lb here, last year it was $.39, but I think the stores learned from last year, because they didn’t drop the price last year until a day or two before, and they had birds on sale for a week after.
Heating oil in Maine is still brushing the $6/gal mark, with rationing in the western part of the state already taking place. Order 200gal?..you get 100gal.
This ain’t pretty.



The Canadian government have another good scheme going, first it was the Covid handouts, which they taxed, then they start requesting the money back that was loaned out, and that is taxed as well.

Now we have a carbon tax, but they say don’t worry we will be giving some of it back to middle and low income families, guess what, that money being given back, will be taxed again.

Do you see a pattern developing…more tax being collected to increase government wages and create more government jobs.

Gas is down 2 cents today to 158.4 cents a liter. Diesel is down 6 cents to 246.8 cents a liter.

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Coming down to 4.15 a gallon for reg. I can fill the top 1/3 of my tank for 20.00 Makes the ass fuckin feel just lil bit better.


I started filling every time i get to half tank…
Gas aint carrying me very far??..I’m not even driving alot. Not hauling trailer or weight.

Gas is down??? The quality must be shit? My truck is optimized …gettin 350k. Out of a 90L tank???


Yep quality is down. It’s how they trick us that the price is better.


2.95 a gallon in Tennessee!