What are you paying at the gas pump

Richmond VA - 3.19 per gallon. Best deal I could find.

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I hear you. My SUV only takes premium so it’s even worse. I just pop in the card, post up a $200 limit and pump away. No need for a receipt, lol. I love watching those folks sitting in line for hours idling their vehicles because gas is going up 10 cents a liter. They will sit there for hours. Boggles my mind. I will gladly skip the $5 to $10 bucks I save to not waste 2 hours of my time and fuel. Of course, that monthly credit card bill is always painful but I do drive a company car 95% of the time so there is that bonus.


Plus the idling. It doesn’t help fuel economy. You get zero miles to whatever measurement unit you use.


I agree. In the US my wife uses an app called Gas Buddy that shows the prices in a given area. It’s pretty reliable and we use it to find the best prices near wherever we are.


Also a fan.


A lot more than when mean orange man was prez


About 1.70 canadian per litre. About 4.73 American per gallon and only going to go up, i live in a rural area with lots of snow and need to drive a jeep sahara that sucks for fuel economy lol.


We bought a Camry hybrid a few years ago and love it.

No compromises like the old prius; it just drives like a nice kinda big car with a big trunk. they been able to make the hybrid components so small they dont gotta make a compromise car anymore. lifetime average of 48.2 mpg and I swear I DOG ON that thing. Consumption is still real mild even at 80mph through elevation. Over the years I had everything from a Triumph tr6 to a civic hatchback on track day suspension to a 5liter mustang and a half dozen motorcycles - this Camry is NOT BAD to drive fast.

I know not 100% on topic here, but if you use half as much gas its like if gas was half price. Also sick to have big big range on interstate trips.


I’m paying about double what it was before covid. Pre covid it was about AU$1.25/L, today I paid AU$2.40/L for 95. Which is still less than petrol was in the UK when I left 15 years ago. :grimacing:


1.85.2 / liter as of yesterday morning on the east coast :canada:
Roughly 7.40 / us gal.



$3.24 in central Illinois…


You guys are killing me. I’m in Anaheim, CA, maybe 40 miles from the refinery:

$4.55 a gallon and that’s at Costco.

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1.85 AUD per litre in New South Wales



4.90 us per gallon straight robbery


3.65 here on the east coast

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2.30 AUD per Litre where I’m at which is equivalent of about 10.45 USD per gallon.

EDIT : I’m an idiot and did the maths backwards :man_facepalming: It’s more like 6.90 USD a gallon.


…Liter Prices

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Current UK Litre prices here in Scotland from Shell convert out to about USD: 2.40 / CAD: 3.28 / AUD:3.63

Won’t be long until it sky rockets now that the UK is the sickman of Europe again :joy: I cannot wait until I am cosplaying the economic misery of 70s UK :rofl: :face_vomiting:

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I paid $3.49 a gallon yesterday. For whatever reason gas prices are a little better in neighboring states, and I happened to be down there, so…

Pretty sure I paid $3.69 a gallon locally earlier in the week.

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