What are you paying at the gas pump

I think I will go fill up tomorrow, hopefully the interuptor clause will not be deployed today.

We don’t use the car much with covid atm, we can get away with a minimum of 4 weeks between fill ups, sometimes 6 or 7 weeks if I
bulk buy the groceries and freeze my veggies



That’s my only saving grace for me. 90L of premium to fill my suv but drive a company car every day and don’t really go anywhere after work. Cottage time will be where this really hurts. Go through tons of gas between boats, atvs, jet skis and travel back and forth.


Funny part about this is as far and I know Canada refines more gas that it actually uses yet sells it off to others. At least as far as I know, correct me if I am wrong. What we really need to do is work on better infrastructure to move product around our own country.


Petro Canada was a state owned entity until 91 when it was sold. It used to be about energy security for Canadians. Not anymore.


I have no idea why the US is buying from anyone.


url(5) :grin::green_heart::sunglasses:


only the ‘adults in the room’ understand what is going on. thank goodness they were here to save us from ourselves. they are gone in NOV.


I know NL we consume what we refine at the North Atlantic refinery and some from NB and Quebec :s

As far as the rest - I am just a consumer and observer.

I agree!

Edit - Thursday price jump. .$1.77x

I filled up sunday and did very minimal driving … quarter Tank gone…

We got some SNOW * coming…sitting the rest of winter out with the plow lol… I might just borrow the womans car and shovel my accounts lol or just pre salt and hope wind doesnt blow it away.
…shell Never go for that hahaha…


Back in the day…


No more “fill er up”. Now it’s “Just put in $150”.


$4.29 USD/Gal in WA state.

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1.87$/L this morning. Noice

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What in the f*** it was $1.77 last night on Thursday and I just drove past on a Friday it jumped 14 cents wtf.

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When I saw this thread early yesterday I was going to say 3.59 in VT, but last night it jumped to 3.89


Metro Phoenix Arizona: $3.89-3.99 per gallon

We’re now on the cusp of $4.00 gal in Northern VA. What a blast!

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This sucks… i have a month long road trip of about 5500 miles or so coming up in 60 days… i budgeted for $5 gallon average and totaling about $2K US.

I might have to cut back on some of the sights i want to see in MT, WY, ID, UT, and CO.

@Slick1 I used to cross the Burlington/Bristol and get my fuel in NJ. Not anymore… with the tax raised and the bridge fee at $4 it no longer makes sense. I remember that bridge having a coin toss and only cost 25 cents. Now i’m showing my age…


Same here, $4.00 on its way.

Heating oil went up 20+ cents
And I called yesterday to get oil delivered from ultramar and the guy showed up at 11:15 p.m. lol
I got it for a dollar 21.
God love him a buck 40+ now for a liter of f****** for some reason it says it was delivered at five past midnight on March 4tth… Machine me out must be off an hour