What are you paying at the gas pump

Because they make more money that way.


It’s up to $3.89-$3.99 here

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But…but…but…it CAN’T have anything to do with THAT!!!

heh heh



$3.49/g last night. $3.69/g this morning. Mid mo.

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so, I’ve been riding a bicycle to work for… decades?

for a long time, i was the only idiot out on the streets at rush hour to work.
until back in like 2009, when gas hit $4.00/gal. That seemed to be the magic threshold. Once it went over $4, suddenly there were people on bikes everywhere… Like everyone said “fuck this” simultaneously.

Wonder if thats gonna happen again soon.


Matton Illinois today


Obviously it’s only going to get worse and will likely stay bad for quite awhile. Not really any point in dwelling on it… I should probably cut back on unnecessary driving.

Current Alaska(Kenai Penisula) prices are around $4.17 a gallon…soon we’re going to be close to $5.00…prices have gone up about .40 in the last week or so!


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I ride my bike as much as possible! Running everything on fossil fuels, and stifling our use of the cannabis plant, have put humanity on a sad trajectory.


Might have to build a giant still and kill 2 problems 1 more home brew to wash weed and see if I can run a vehicle on it . Worst case something to drink when I can’t afford to drive!


I didn’t have a car for years in the city, and then had one but didn’t drive all that much because it’s much easier riding or walking. Now that I’m in the boonies, not so much. If I had money I think I’d probably get an electric car with a reasonable range, I think that’d work for most of the driving I do. We really have f’d ourselves pretty good with climate change and being reliant on good old ethyl.


:rofl: :laughing: :neutral_face: :expressionless: :roll_eyes: :unamused: :see_no_evil:
For fuck sakes… I have nothing positive to say about this.
:-1: :fu:
:scream_cat: :pouting_cat:

This is unreal…
Basically $8 a gallon of regular gas in canadian dollars.
I feel really bad for the people that use higher grades of fuel.


$5.4 here in North CA.

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I always thought it was funny Jersey doesn’t charge you to enter, only to leave :laughing: Way to live up to certain stereotypes Jersey!


Yea that’s where we r since Friday

They NEVER Do a price change twice a week. Let alone 3.

I dont even think they can.

Once every thursday the set the maximum ( and minimum Some places ) that the Can sell at

It jumped 5 cents Wednesday into thursday (172.9-177)then half way through the day they bumped it 2 cents (179) Then over night Thurs -friday jumped 12 cents to 191.2

Like wtf.

I had accounts to plow yesterday . Did em quick . And didn’t even plow my own driveway lol oh my


If Lockdowns couldn’t keep us home…these gas prices will.

Gonna be a whole lot of Netflix and chill …

Was actually finally visiting my parents a few times a week until the last two weeks when I realised that the gas prices were not going to stop .

Really concerned about the roofing industry. Prices of materials are through the roof. Alot of homeowners may be postponing or shopping around… And my guess its going to get really competitive…I just submitted a half dozen quotes on Sunday and I increased my prices + incorporated the increased material prices.

Got a dozen from 2021 for this season … I should contact an take deposits now and find out who’s still on board .


Well, my hunch was correct. I heard something on the radio last week about the war and how we in North America are gonna pay. Some guy said he felt like gas prices were going to rise eventually.

When I heard that, I decided I should go fill my tank just in case, since we haven’t seen an increase since summer.

That was three days ago. I noticed the gas prices when I was in town yesterday and we jumped $0.40 a gallon to 3.89./gal.

I bet it’s higher already this morning. I just have a feeling. That might slow the Colorado tourist season down this year. It’s just like covid, only different. :thinking: :face_vomiting:

And, these gas prices are only this high because of one selfish person; Putin. It has nothing to with our govt. And, Saudi wasn’t planning on releasing any more oil, so, there go your gas prices.

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Our island tourism industry has been decimated by covid.

It was only a few Weeks ago everyone was gettn a glimmer of hope .

Feel awful for that industry as its a huge sector and alot of small family local businesses.

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Chicago a couple nights ago: $5.07/gal
Not that bad here in Cent… Yet


One week later and I just paid $3.669/gallon