What are you smoking today? Vol. 1

Sunday morning wake and bake
Gorilla Slippers @Howard.Crane I may have done this plant wrong with to much light making it foxtail so hard but my goodness it just made it cure quicker lol pure citrus goodness very uplifting sativa high between the taste, smell , high she definitely was more of a Cindy …either way I got 6 more going :sunglasses:


Can I ask why the three week hang is it an intentional slow dry or do you have high humidity?

I know a slow dry is ideal I just have never had the right environment nor patience to maintain it lol


You get them serious beans yet.
Just wondering how and if they got there ok?


Not yet he said if I didn’t receive them in two weeks let him know and he would reship I’ve never received anything from Europe other than England and it’s typically close to two weeks from England…I honestly don’t know if there still shipping from the Netherlands or if they have moved to Spain like everyone else lol

Would be hard not to move to Spain and it’s :sun_with_face: over the rain in the Dam

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I want to put an order in 20% off just want to see how things pan out with you yet


Yeah European orders used to scare me I always ordered from Canada before we got seedbanks here…I know I’ve been eyeballing that serious seeds roor collaboration glass they got on there maybe placing an order myself after I see how they slide through customs wouldn’t mind having the chronic around or Kali mist

I really want those vintage packs dude has


I have some green crack at 10 weeks from flip, just looking to chop soon, I am surprised how fruity it smells, looks more like a blueberry strain with purple edged leaves, I have a great grape next to it and they smell almost identical.

I was smoking some blueberry cough last night very nice buzz.


Well they can’t do nothing about glass coming across.

That’s how I got popped back in 01, I’m a very leary motherfucker


Yes I keep my drying room at 60% humidity and that at 3 weeks it’s good for jarring and can go longer if I am too busy but usually works for my schedule.


Yeah but I would have to atleast order some chronic if I’m gonna order something


Have you grown chronic before, I have it wasn’t that great.
Another hyped up strain because of name
The black folks made it popular and most the time it wasn’t the real chronic, there for a while they called everything chronic.


No I was more interested in it’s production for breeding purposes kind of like big bud was used forever

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Fuck…that’s blowing north…

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Super Malawi haze (Neville’s haze pheno)


That Super Malawi Haze looks amazing. I’ll bet you’re gonna enjoy that :smile:


Good day OG!! I hope you all are having as good a day as I am!
Got a half zip of mids for the Warden… it made her happy and I didn’t lose my inmate privileges!

This pretty little bud tasted like lemons and sweet fruity notes and a bit of spicy earth/moss on the exhale… not a bad combo at all. Nice chill high… very calm and relaxing… tingles in my head and numb around the eyes. This is how Mexican weed used to make me feel back in my day… nice high/energetic feeling!!

Her bag of happiness! Happy wife, smoother life!


I do! I haven’t tried Neville’s haze au naturale, but I did grab some from Shanti’s auction not too long ago. I only hope I can find a pheno as good as this one. The Malawi pheno is good too, but the haze… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I don’t have a lot of experience with Haze, mostly a pack or two of Sam Skunkman’s freebies I’ve grown and some stuff I’ve tried from the stores, but I absolutely love it.


Same here. I probably smoked it somewhere down the line but I never got names of strains in the old days. I’m intrigued by the reputation it has.

@lefthandseeds, where does that Malawi Haze come from? Man, I’m getting so many ideas. I have some malawi gold. I’m supposed to get a cut of the haze from TM, too…


It’s an Ace hybrid of their Malawi and Neville’s Haze. I generously got some fems of it from @gr0wn, and about the same time was donated some Malawi/Panama males from @8k_feet. Now I’m growing out the love child of those two. Still have F1s if you want any, and soon F2s.