What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Jane Curtain from SNL and I’ve always liked Ben Kingsley…


I was working in urban-radio when this came out. We had a lot of fun with it. Great stuff in its time.

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The family finally finished up the Stargate series along with Stargate Atlantis a few months ago and were looking for a series with a good backlog.

My son had been watching One Piece.

He said it was pretty good and lobbied hard for us to start.

I’ve never had anything against manga anime, but hadn’t really spent much time on those types of series.

Ms Longtooth and I found it a little inaccessible at first. -Lots of screaming characters, campy and overblown, and waaaaaay too much filler.

We kept at it though and the characters became quieter, the writing a bit more interesting, and the story began to unfold.

It’s actually pretty good. The filler is still terrible, but there’s lots to interest one who likes adventure, fantasy pirates, and characters amped up with special unique powers from “devil fruit”

We (Ms. Longtooth and I) were pleasantly surprised to find out the long-lived series was super well known and being made into, what I’ve heard, is a very well done live action series on Netflix.

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A million miles away…I think

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The live action of One Piece is FANTASTIC @Longtooth , it’s everything Cowboy Bebop SHOULD HAVE BEEN. :sob:

I DO NOT ENJOY THE ANIME. No fucking way am I sitting through 1000+ episodes of ANYTHING.

“The runtime of One Piece canon episodes, filler episodes, and films is about 26,236 minutes or 437.26 hours, which amounts to 18.21 days. If viewers choose not to watch the filler episodes, then the runtime adds up to a total of 24,051 minutes or 400.85 hours, spanning 16.70 days.”




I Got into film-making because of the ideologies and values of Troma Entertainment so I did gasp when I saw this…

BUT then I looked into it:

This may blow hot chunks but from the given info the film-math works!.

Director/Writer: Usually works out as they can actually execute their written vision.
Producers: They are the freaking creators of the franchise!
Starring: I think we can all agree that the players are solid each in their own way.
Cinematography: All I care is that Greenland looked good!
Production Companies: Troma created it all and LEGENDARY SPENDS MONEY WELL!

:grin: :+1:


Some big names in there. Hopefully they do the original justice.

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A cool movie just saw for the first time and it reminded me of one King of The Hill episode in were
Peggy is dubbed a “genius” after taking an online test from the Texas Institute of Intelligence, which leads her into a series of confidence schemes.


this looks hilarious.


how was it ???

I think, that from what I’ve read, that this is mostly hit or miss, love or hate.
I was very pleasantly surprised, :+1: :+1:

What does it really mean to be human?


Great Theme in this movie Favorite # They Live (1988) by John Carpenter


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Good movie…I liked it…here’s another one I liked…

finally started using torrents again. caught up on the ‘hostel’ series. as well as pineapple express and probably ‘the night before’ soon.

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This weekends wild lineup.

Seen it several times before. It’s funny to me when I think how many people would be offended by this these days.

Never send this. Meh, didn’t expect much. But overall, not horrible.

I’ve seen this before also. I like Jesse Eisenberg’s acting. And yeah, I still think Kristen Stewart is hot…even though she’s a w@#%e, lol.


i’ve seen it quite a few times, and i’m literally half-way through watching it again right now and paused it to check the forum. great minds think alike, lol.

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Ya must be on HBO? :wink: