What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Back when the world wasnt odd. I been watching horror flicks ans b horror flicks a ton and recently discovered terrifier and terrifier 2.

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For all you Duck Dynasty fans…

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When was this??? :grin:

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Great show filmed in Chicago…season 1 was good also…

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Back when the world wasnt as odd.



The 90s …back when everyone was hard as fuck


My Top 5 list:

Falling Down
When I first saw this I thought “Wow, what is this guy’s problem?” but the older I get and the more I see, the more I understand and relate. Everyone gets fed up with the constant slog of unadulterated bullshit.

Fight Club
It’s been over 20 years and still - No movie has ever dick slapped corporatism in the face as hard. Do better, Hollywood.

The Network (1976)
Poignantly viscerally timelessly relevant without overstaying its welcome.

They Live
…We Sleep.

So this will probably sound odd, but this is my comfort movie. It’s about, in the words of the hotel manager just “an evil fucking room” that a lot of people have died in. No one ever makes it past an hour, but in that hour John Cusack’s character experiences days and relives years, has his dead daughter returned and taken from him a dozen times as the room drives him to kill himself to claim his soul. And yes, I find that comforting for the same reasons I find the idea of an eternal Hell comforting; you can’t torment someone forever without hope. You can’t take from someone forever unless you continually give something back. In order to suffer forever, love itself has to remain… and I just feel like that means something.
We go all those sleepless nights; the fights, the bills, the uncertainty, the insecurity precisely because it’s for what we love that we are willing to suffer. If Hell contains eternal suffering, it must keep intact eternal love. It can, at most, only demand that you choose… and so whenever I watch it the question always comes up in my mind as I watch his torment: What if you simply had more Love than the room had malice? What if you tormented its darkness with the light that cuts through it? What if your light, however small, refused to go out? Can the demons burn down and the man still walk away? I don’t know.
But I respect the man willing to walk through Hell to try it.


Falling Down was a good one. I might have to find that and watch it. Its probably been at least a decade since I watched it last!

Here’s a good “older” one for ya. Watched it again the other day.

And we watched this last night. Pretty good!

Finally managed to find a copy to download and watch after more than 6 months of anticipation. What a total disappointment :rofl:
It’s on Yify torrent if anyone is interested.

Gonna pass on that one


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Yeah I would suggest the same. I was expecting a gore filled comedy horror based on true facts but what I got was boring as hell.
I’m a bit of a gore hound and this just bored me.

Watching my kids playing fortnite… Me ps checking OG on my phone😁


My favorite movie of all time, I’ve seen it dozens of times. For anyone who has never seen it, I think it has the finest rendering of what being psychedelic is like of any film I have ever watched. Personally, I believe they had all dropped for the mushroom scene, though I doubt it was aminita muscaria that they ate. Far too dangerous in real life.


Check the trivia part of the imdb about it. That’s hard core.


I dont r really have a favorite film, have allot of it😊 watched Braveheart last day


“According to Anita Pallenberg, one scene actually shows…”

Yep, that’s the scene where she’s shooting “B vitamins,” as I recall.

I didn’t know about the overdubs. I wonder if that’s the case in the version I have?

Lastly, the two brother artists who show up to be paid for their painting and are told by Old Rubber Lips that he can’t afford it any longer, were (are?) really UK artists. I knew a Brit who was from London and knew them. Can’t remember what their names were.

“Put your tie on!”


I’ve never seen the movie but Cockney accents are a bastard to understand so I don’t doubt the movie was over dubbed for the American audience.
I’ll try and check it out tomorrow if I can find it on a torrent or streaming site. :v: