What are you watching? (TV & Movies)


Finally getting around to Breaking Bad. Middle of season three. Partial binge watching. Three episodes a night. Very good series. I would say right up there with DEXTER or Game of Thrones.


new episode of Strain Hunters, thailand part 2, was released today


The fallout series based on the video game on prime has been a great watch so far


Snowfall is right up there with Breaking Bad, and if you have not yet, circle back to the Wire, also very good.


Just re-watched the whole series, one of my favorites. I also love Dexter and Game of Thrones lol. Have you ever watched Sons of Anarchy? Also a heavy hitter


you’ve got me starting to rewatch breaking bad. it was a great show.


This was some solid fun!

While there was much Cagening; it was also very refreshing that while he is a main character, he’s not the sole focus of the movie… unlike all the marketing :rofl: .

I do love my Cage though…

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My wife has been trying to get me to re-watch this one for a few years. Should probably just do it.

I loved it! It’s not very glamorous or memorable in a way. But it’s honest. A bunch of shitty people using each other as much as they can. That’s organized crime.

Yeah, I’ve seen it before, just not in awhile. TBH I think I found it a bit of a bummer (and a long bummer at that) so I haven’t been in a huge rush to watch it again.

Still… I do love Mitchum, and Boston of yore.

Just rewatched this clip. Always heard they pulled it off the air after 7 minutes. Somebody else picked it up and it ran for 7 episodes.

Good movie…

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I read this post of yours from October, earlier today. I watch a lot of movies and I’ve never seen this one. I watched it after work today and I’m glad I came across your post. It was very good, with a lot of great actors.


It’s funny you say this, because I am rewatching it for the, I think maybe 3rd time now

It’s not GOAT status for a crime or payback movie, but, it feels authentic as fuck on some level. Dudes in the mitten just trying to grind it out, then life takes a bunch of giant craps on him.

It’s no joke about the cast too. The main cast is pretty much famous all time actors, even if not the others. Christian Bale, Casey Affleck (ick), Willem Dafoe, Woody Harrelson (also ick), Forrest Whittaker, Sam Shepard, Zoe Saldana.

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Hunting a man, in a steel forest

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I made cut edit of Bill Burr on Bill Maher’s show Club Random. People seem to like it. 270k + views in a day or so.