What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

(…I HOPE.)


Lol, meanwhile I’m watching…

…with my four year old son.
Cocaine Bear looks good though. :yum:


Where did you find it

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Tried to watch The Whale and Sharper
Couldn’t get into either one . Might have been me was tired and started them late last night

Its crazy how sneaky good this show is. You dont realize it then your four hours in. The episode with the dog had me dying.


I actually finally got around to watching it the other day too. Odd flick but definitely had some funny parts.

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It was a screening at the movie theater. Movie was entertaining.


@Pigeonman I remember watching some Oak Island Treasure Searching Reality TV Show back on the History Channel about a decade ago. One of the guys name was Marty.

They still haven’t found the treasure after 10 years? lol

Wonder how long they’ll actually keep looking. It’s gotta all be a bunch of nonsense lol.


im thinking they will keep looking as long as advertisers keep paying history channel $$$$ and the ratings stay up a buddy of mine had a show on discovery HOWE and HOWE TECH was going good until one of the twins got caught alegidly cheating with a a producer such a shame

@MonsterDrank it’s getting more interesting tbh but some of the older seasons are unwatchable :rofl:

It’s the same 2 brothers doing the thing, there’s a lot more science involved the later the seasons get and this season is def the most interesting. Much less jokes from the misses and I about their discovery of “Water? From the OCEAN?!” while being on an island in the ocean…

:rofl: :deciduous_tree: :desert_island:


This week on “We Ain’t Found Shit”….they found a corroded hunk of metal, a bunch of undisturbed earth where they hoped to find wood, and a well fed from “gasp—a natural spring”, and an advertisement for other treasure hunting shows on the History channel.


People have been searching Oak Island for treasure for over 200 years.


I used to be really into this show. As well as many others like (i.e. Gold Rush, or Wicked Tuna,).
But it literally just becomes the same thing over and over again. So my wife an I tend to loose interest. Even after watching some shows for a decade or more. :expressionless:

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This sums up the show PERFECTLY.

In all honesty we watch it as the trainwreck it is. I also use these shows as napping shows. They are so dumb and formula ridden that after about 10min i’m out cold.

It’s a great way to time a 30min nap.

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Yeah I remember reading “The Money Pit” in school. It was actually part of my English High School curriculum… so I know it’s not a new concept. I do however think that with today’s technology they have a much wider array of tools at their disposal that didn’t exist even 20 years ago. I would think if it’s there one of these sonar, radar, satellite type tools they’re using would have been able to have found it by now… but then again what do I know? :smile: Ask me all about Gaming PC’s, home theater, Cannabis Seeds, or Video Games and I’m your guy… I’m definitely no treasure hunter. lol

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I was looking for something on an old HD and found this on it. I had totally forgotten about it. It’s short, about 20 minutes, but fun. I couldn’t find it on YouTube, but my search skills are for shit!

This is from the text file -

Feed Your Head: The Psychedelic Era (1997)

From Kesey’s early “Acid Tests,” to the San Francisco’s Fillmore and Avalon ballrooms, Monterey, LA’s Sunset Strip, and London’s UFO club, culminating with the Woodstock Festival, the birth and evolution of psychedelic music is explored in this documentary film. The film incorporates interviews with the musicians and promoters who shaped the scene with rare and classic performance clips. Produced for exhibit at the The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, this film was part of the RockHall’s “I Want To Take You Higher” exhibit which ran for two years beginning in 1997. With Peter Albin, Sam Andrew, Jack Cassady, David Crosby, Gary Duncan, David Freiberg, Jerry Garcia, Dave Getz, Bill Graham, James Gurley, Mickey Hart, Chet Helms, Paul Kantner, Jorma Kaukonen, Ray Manzarek, Paul McCartney, Country Joe McDonald, Roger McGuinn, Carlos Santana, Pete Townshend and Bob Weir.

‘Feed Your Head’ a Ravin’ Film
Produced by Tenth Planet Productions for The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum
Directed + Edited by Bob Sarles
Produced by Dave Cunningham
Executive Producer Joel Gallen
Associate Producer Jay Karas
Cinematography by Ted Leyhe
Sound Mix by Samuel Lehmer
Research by Jessica Berman Bogdan and Kathy Blake
Additional camera by Bill Zarchy


Ok, this one started as suspenseful and seemed to leave you curious for the next scene. But then got extremely out of control when a shocking resolution to the story came together. It is an interesting watch for sure. :+1:

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Just starting Cocaine Bear and it’s not very good :banana::banana:


Say it ain’t so! :rofl: