What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

It needs to be recharged regularly.


That looks good. Don’t got AppleTV+ though. :confused:
I like Jason Segal, great comedy stuff. And haven’t seen old HF in something in a while.


Hey bromigos, you got to get an Android streaming box

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I live in the woods. Got no internet.
Unlimited data on my divice and mobile wifi hotspot is how we roll, lol. Gonna look into it anyway. I know that we couldn’t get Chromecast to work off the same mobile hotspot as each other.
Been thinking about getting StarLink.

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Mick Jagger was an amazing actor. Russo, Estevez, Hopkins…

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Binge watching till the Superbowl


All in all an enjoyable series, though there were a few episodes where I wasn’t sure I could put up with much more.

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Put a bunch of stoners together and these two characters will be mentioned sooner or later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0HpG7Nx7fA&list=PLXYVW2EBNwfTJ84BioMkGhcP1bE0gQHaA&index=1&t=37s

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Handyman Saitō in Another World

Saitō, a young handyman from Japan, has been feeling inadequate in his job on Earth, despite the skills he developed and was subsequently displaced into a fantasy world where he was taken in by an adventuring party. With the party members’ personal quirks hindering their performance, Saitō begins lending them a helping hand, carrying essentials, picking locks and giving them vital reminders, thus making him indispensable to his new friends.

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Watched a movie last night that made me mad, made me cry , made me question being a part of the human race. Was about a young 15 year old girl who is abducted, held, escapes, and ends up bringing the sick cereal killer down. True story, and it was , thinking back now, done very well. No violence or sex shown, only your imagination goes there, story is really about the strength of this little girl and how instead of being a victim and collapsing into a mess, she buckled up and took back her life. When she says…Mom…THATS FUCKING NOT ME…that was an incident…ITS NOT ME…
It was a different point of view, and im glad i was exposed to it.

Forgot the name…let me look… The Girl Who Escaped




I just watched some best of beaver & bernardo :joy: on YouTube & was in tears… different kind than @Jetdro ’s :rofl:

Had no idea the show was revived twice & a possible live action movie too… that’d suck. Uhuhhhuhhuuhju



I finally watched KISS THE SOIL (netflix) and it was amazing! It is the perfect movie to share with friends to introduce them to the world of living soil. I have already been down this path a while and reading books, articles youtube videos, etc but this film is a wonderful introduction to those topics. What’s even more inspiring about this movie is it give hope that we can fix out world but fixing our soil. I went into the film thinking that earth is fucked and humanity might be wiped out in the next 100 years or less due to climate change. According to the film we could absolutely REVERSE global warming with living soil and regenerative farming techniques within a lifetime. So 20 years today could see a huge reduction of greenhouse gases as the soil captures and stores all this excess carbon that we have been adding for hundreds of years.

I believe EVERY person on the planet should see this film for the knowledge and hope it provides, please share with everyone you know.

Has anyone else seen this?

Such a strange story, but the wife and I could stop watching. Quite funny at times aswell.


Yeah, yeah, and it would suck, too. I want to kick that bunghole in the 'nads. That would be cool, huh-huh, huh-huh.

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Check out The Girl Next Door. You will be pissed.

Also. The Snowtown murders.

Screening tonight.