What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Fucking love this movie :rofl:


Watched Tetris last night. Good and very interesting

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I am Senzo CanuckisTanaka and I vouch for every one of his fairy tales.

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I love that guy. I think I would really like working plants with him.

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Last time I went to a dispensary, they had some of Belushi’s prerolls behind the counter. I didn’t ask how much they sold for. But I figgered they were more expensive with Belushi Farms written on the package. I never buy prerolls anyways. I like to see what I’m getting. I very rarely buy dispensary weed either. I was just in there with a friend who was buying a bong.


Yeah, the whole chemistry of their beginning interactions was quite uncomfortable, lol.
I think it helps to confuse the audience with the suspenseful curiosity.

And yeah @BigMike55, Teeth lol. What else can I say? :crazy_face:

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It was a good movie, never played the game though…


Pretty incredible what it took to make it all happen huh !

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How have you never played Tetris?! I figured everyone over 30 had played it at least once. I’ve been seeing the previews for that and wondering if it was any good though.


LOL had to google to make sure this was the movie I was thinking of. Never seen it, was it actually entertaining?

Just watch Jordan peele “us”. If you enjoyed his other movies this one has a similar style.


We were never got into video games, we were old school and went outside and played running bases, frisbee, baseball, fast pitch and riding our schwinn banana seat bikes back in the way back days…we knew and played with every kid on our blocks…Today these kids stay home a just play video games.


I have to figure that for every old timer like me (67) here on OG there are as many youngsters as well. I just saw that Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) was released on Netflix recently.

If you’ve not seen it I suggest you smoke a couple bowls or joints and give it a go. It is comedy for those in the right frame of mind.


Banana seat bikes… I suspect the problem may have been temporal. Tetris started as a computer game, not a console game, and I don’t think it was released in the US until '87. It was a super addictive game… so simple, but hard at the higher levels.

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I finished The Night Agent and Poker Face. The former held my interest, maybe a little predictable but not egregiously so. The latter was up and down from episode to episode. Some were pretty bad, a few were great.

Very entertaining to me. Not scary, but gruesome and funny. I liked it a lot.

Last year a cut of Holy Grail found its way to a nearby independent theatre. It was a blast seeing it on the big screen with a bunch of other fans.

I just saw the new Dungeons and Dragons movie and it is worth a watch.


You still watching Lucky Hank?
The mrs. and I enjoy it.
I love his inner monologue, lol

Watching Andromeda right now, so good. Syfy space shows are by far my favorite. Wish some good new ones would come out. I keep recycling over and over, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, all star treks, Stargates (one of my faves), firefly, Andromeda… and a few others


The Orville is ok (season 1 at least). Check that out yet? Agreed, we need new space shows. Oh and there is the spaceship comedy on HBO Avenue 5 check that yet?

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