What book you would recommend to our fellows?

This book was very informative from Mel Frank.it definitely shows how breeding is the high road to success.image


This was purchased years ago and found it as well tucked away Includes DVD Vids…



What everyone favorite breeding book to learn from.


I see what you did there

Seriously though, Marijuana Botany by Clarke maybe not breeding specific but a solid source of interesting stuff.

Dense enough to convey knowledge but light enough to be readable.


Hustler wasn’t bad, but Swank had sexier lingerie and was a bit more hardcore LOL

For me? I haven’t read many books on cannabis, most of my info comes from online forums. I still have the Ed Rosenthal book!! I did a paper in college on plant breeding, substituting mums for cannabis (there are ALOT of parallels, both are short day plants).


Well, idk about many sources in english, but for breeding the cannabis breeder’s bible seems a good book, didnt read it fully, but saw some chapters and it touches on things like genetics, recessive and dominant traits, etc. It could be a good base, besides that any reading on cannabis botany will be helpful. And the most important, try yourself!

A lot of people suggest Marijuana Chemistry by Michael Starks as well as Principles of Plant Breeding by Robert Allard.

I haven’t picked that one up yet, and want to eventually. I’m working with a budget and for the meantime decided to purchase a “generalized” book on plant breeding and pair it with the most current textbook style publications about cannabis.

And by “generalized”, by no means do I mean a simple book. The book I found was an old textbook that was in depth about plant breeding, but generalized with respect to the species and didn’t focus on one plant alone.

I found this to give me the best bang for my proverbial buck, working on a budget and all. Solid basis of plant breeding fundamentals and principles, paired with the most up to date and modern textbook about cannabis. In the same breath, there are so many books I’d like to get and and the list keeps growing.

I can’t recall the name of the generalized plant breeding book I went with, I found a used copy from a university and it seemed solid with a lot of information. The cannabis specific book I went with to start is Cannabis Sativa L. Botany and Biotechnology by Chandra et al. Hope you find some books that you enjoy and are helpful for you. Much love


This one :point_up_2: and selection methods in plant breeding by Bos and Caligari


I haven’t had opportunity to use it yet, but I’ve been reading Greg Green’s book about cannabis breeding, since I found his big grow guide to be very useful in getting started growing. Here’s an online/downloadable PDF of it:


Personally I liked may stepdad cherry mag that was some dirty stuff for a 13 yearl old lol

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I agree I learn more from just doing it and either failing or succeeding. There great lessons in both. Just looking for something to get me on the right path


@Mr.greenbee OH you seek knowledge. As someone who have been forced to read copious amount of books about plants, breeding and evolution on university. I would suggest start practical and then hit the books when you got some under your belt. You got alot of good suggestions here. This is why.

You cant read about how traits will display over generations of your specific plants. Also, its hard to understand traits to a large degree without experincing them while breeding. Breeding is something hands on. The most knowledgable person isnt the best breeders. The best breeders comes from lots of practical experience.

Its like musicians, someone who knows everything about music theory and music isnt the best artist.

Practical practic is key, theory comes later on.

I really really hope you start asap.



Believe it or not, I learned alot about making cannabis selections from this book. The chapters that pertain to breeding especially.:v:

Top corner chewed by pit bulldog pup.:grin:


Can’t find the screenshot :confused:


“Just cross the damn plants”


Yes. The non cannabis specific books hold many secrets.

When I first started, I was pointed to dogs, poultry and strawberries.


Kama Sutra without a doubt!
But for cannabis I like Jorge Cervantes. He has seveveral great titles - but this one is a good all around starter.


I also agree. Ive found more useful information in non cannabis related books then in cannabis related books. Ive also found ALOT of right out bad information in cannabis related books. The thing is, since cannabis has been illegal and mostly still is, not alot of very good people want to publicly release a book and caught attention. That leaves you with whole bunch of books filled with magical bro science, like dads pass on x traits while moms pass on y traits… Total bullshit…

Professional plant, dog, horse breeding books with references is where the hard fact lay


Thanks I’ll be posting the progress so as this run done

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As much as I hate to admit it… yeah, cannabis bro science…

But then, I don’t know if official big man backed toilet paper is any better…

Thats why you need books with references, so you can find the true source of the knowledge. :v:t2:

@Mr.greenbee awesome, im excited!
