My First Step

Got a good deal on this and only 1 copy around my area. Gonna relax and read some, was recommended but what’s your peeps opinions if read or heard. Thanks :slight_smile: Be safe


I started with books and it helped a lot. It gave me a better framework to better understand and contextualize what I was reading online and in forums, as opposed to having to osmotically pick up lingo, terms, common concepts, etc. I think it might have that book (Or the Cervantes one?) that I first started with many, many years ago.

It’s a fun journey, but it’s much more complicated than other types of gardening I’ve done. I am not sure if its because we make it complicated in the quest for the best results or if cannabis is naturally such a selective, finnicky plant. I lean toward the former.


@Eudaemon Well said. Currently with my eyes on the forums there’s the slang. Then terms I am not familiar with just yet. But I gotta be a plant myself and grow in this community. I could make some makeshift youtube DYI projects. Or take my time and learn before ruining plant’s and money. Have to check out the Cervantes book and anymore you recommend please do respond! We’re humans too go to the extreme with nature.



Good job at least you’re not trying to take short cuts, like lots of others.
Others depend on others to give them info without who what why where, then they wonder why they fall flat.

I read Frank and Mel’s at least 10 times before I relinquished it to a friend, that I
Never got back.

Same dude God rest his soul made off with my Springer training book by Doc Wolters


I like that book.

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@OleReynard The emotion you had for that book now makes me have to wait until next payday to get more. And thank you. I have to take a real step back into reality. And when you take shortcuts it seems to have a bad vibe with it. Appreciate the culture and truly learn. If I find that book in a person’s hand I’ll see if they know ol reynard and run off with it back ready to PM XD.

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@Who Who Does?


if you mean like the book, yes Who does,i do like that book. more science less bro science then some.


@Who :thinking: got me there man… got me there…


If you meet this brother then say Hi at the pearly gates for me


Whats on second


@OleReynard Ahh I see, And what ya mean? What’s on second.

You have the face of a rose

Edit: a rhinocerose

@Foreigner Man… I legit watched the edit and everything…


One of my favourite little gags. It’s so rude.

You gave me a bunch of roses. Then you set them on fire a few seconds after. Gag my ass

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