What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

Love me some egg.

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Yesterday’s meal was a Mushroom Keema Tandoori curry as I am a fun guy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I had a pouund and a half of mushrooms that have been in the fridge for about 10 days and nearly past their appeal. The wife has been off mushrooms for a month now, they normally get cooked up with burgers or pasta.

Came out very nice, I am normally not keen on eating a lot of mushrooms at once as the taste can be bland, but oh my god I could have eaten the lot.

Quantity was advised as a 6 person meal but more like 3 unless you are eating a lot of rice and nan bread with it. I managed to get the wife to try it she is having it tonight with chicken and rice.

I am going to add some fried paneer cheese rolled in the Tandoori masala spice mix I made yesterday.


@Shadey I made something last night you could eat for once lol, vegan coconut oatmeal chocolate macaroons


Sounds lovely but sadly not :cry:

Carbs are to high in oatmeal and chocky unless the chocky is 90% dark. I love oatmeal and all cerial, but not good for a low carb diet unfortunately.

I used to buy organic ancient grains and organic museli and mix it up with organic oatmeal and organic almond milk. I still have 3 boxes of each in the cupboard fast approaching their sell by date, now I have stopped eating it. I am going to take it to the food bank. Its surprising how even 90% dark chocky can taste sweet after a 72 hour fast lol.

Its a complicated diet.

I have some keto dark chocky, coconut shavings, pecan and almond nut clusters in the fridge though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Awwww man!! Lmao, I forgot about the carbs lol.

Love me some dark chocolate, pretty much the only chocolate I can have.

I’ll make something soon that I know you can have lol. Even if it’s just a glass of ice water :laughing:

If you say you don’t drink it with ice I’ll die :joy:


Actually I don’t lol, room temp, ice cold makes my guts cramp up for some reason, iced tea or coffee doesn’t, that just causes brain freeze lol.

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What a spread my wife would be in heaven lol

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That’s a lonely bun give it a good home lol


Anybody ever put their plate on their chest while lying down because they’re too lazy to eat sitting up?

That’s me today.


Walked across the street did you?


By the time I remembered to make dinner I was too hungry to make dinner so we got dirty hamburgers and chicken burgers.

Every time I walk the dog I smell beef.

Mrs Foreigner didn’t eat one of these donuts. All for me.



@Shadey inspired me to make an egg sandwich.

This pic is before I put on the cheese and the top half of the sandwich :rofl:


Tonight’s dinner Shrimp broccoli risotto


Home raised beef for beef dip!


Just a simple surf & turf, nothing fancy…Tilapia on the grill and air fried chicken quarters…


That’s a great looking sandwich :thinking:

I had the rest of my Tandoori Mushroom Keema masala with fried Paneer cheese rubbed in chilli and Tandoori Masala to add a little more heat to the dish. As well as a pint of home made Dry Pilsner lager that has been patiently waiting to be drunk for 3 months now. Really nice, keeps its head until it hits the bottom of the glass and judging by the sediment in the bottle all the sugar is alcohol now. Might have another in a month or two lol.

Paneer in the frying pan

My pudding raspberries to n cream and yoghurt with keto chocky nut clusters and dark chocky cocoa powder sprinkles yummy.

Forgot to add the curry lol. Added more cream to it, definitely making this one again.


ChickenLegs Kassler Styl…

…with Coleslaw and Cheese/Pickles buns


funny enough I just made some jam myself, brings back such good memories when me and my granny would go and pick them, these days they are kind of hard to find because of housing that in the last years has developed so much…

the smell and taste is just amazing :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: