What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

Simple meal



I really like vindaloo. I think it’s the vinegar that makes it so good.


I was surprised when I looked at the ingredients for a vindaloo that it has a lot of vinegar in it. As well as a lot of green Thai chillies, the recipe I have says 10 chopped in the curry while cooking and 2 thinly sliced length ways added 5 minutes before serving.

There are two types one traditional, and one classed as BIR ( British Indian Restaurant ) which has potatoes in it, which the traditional doesn’t.

Apparently anything with aloo in Indian food is a potato dish, but the dish was created in the 15th century when the Portuguese colonized Goa.

Its a miss translation from the Portuguese name they gave for pork cooked in wine, Carne De Vinah Dalhos, but a lot of Indians are Muslim so they swapped the pork and wine for other meat and vinegar instead of the pork and wine as thats not allowed in Muslim religion.

In the UK the aloo part of the name confused the modern chefs thinking it was a potato and meat dish so thats why they add potatoes.

I am going with the original version except no pork, substituting it with the Paneer Cheese veggy option.


It’s a bun kinda day. And hopefully some smash burgers later on. Why does almost all the best shit have to be horrible for me?

Do you think my dough doubled in size ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@neogitus those look so good :drooling_face: Need to make me some buns this weekend.


I’m sure you have one but I’ll send ya the recipe for this anyway :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They are from my school textbook from awhile ago (gisslen professional cooking). Pretty damn good. Have been making them since. I never used shortening or marg I just replace it all with butter. Today I tried switching the sugar for honey and put 20% beef fat in place of all butter. Haven’t tried but it smelled delish while cooking so we’ll see.


Thank you for the recipe, very similar to one I use often. I like how you tweeked it too, sounds really good.

If you have one for brioche that would be great too, been craving something ultra rich. Plus they make great burger buns. Might even make some pretzel type buns too :thinking: :drooling_face:


Looking bread bet you use them scales for weed as well :rofl:


I’m making picadillo tonight for the wifes work lunch I’m just going to wing it lol


Just a burger with tomato, lettuce, egg yolk dropped in sliced avocado fried for a sec and seasoned then topped with hot sauce :yum:


Do you use traditional lye water for your pretzels?

Unrelated baking photos:


I made gluten free oreo stuffed brookies for my wife and her nursing coworkers at her NICU. THEY werent stoned of course but I might have gotten the inspiration to make it from a green little friend.


That’s the first I’ve ever heard of ‘brookies’


I didn’t even know that was how they are traditionally made. Gonna have to give it a try when the kids aren’t home, lol can’t have them burnin their hands off.

Beautiful cinnamon rolls @lophophora.ca, my wife and kids would devour them before you could even take them out of the oven :laughing:


Brownies and oreos baked together. I did brownie on the bottom, oreos in the middle, and cookies on top with some more browie mix and extra chocolate chips spread throughout. Sometimes you might wanna do the cookies in traditional balls and put them in the freezer first because the brownie batter takes longer to cook than fresh cookie dough.


Whoa @FiveGar I think I need a bottle of insulin just looking at those pics, and I’m not even diabetic! Hahaa


And of course, pan greased with butter. Get your Pam crap outta here.


Well, they are gluten free, so that balances it out just a bit

Edit. Not really



Cool thing is nabisco actually prints the words gluten free on their gf oreos. Kinda a nice touch in case youre somewhere they are laid out and not sure, especially if regular ones are there too. My wife has a wheat issue, technically, not the actual gluten, but its a way to avoid the wheat.


Wow that is pretty cool, I just zoomed in to see for myself :grin: that reminds me someone asked if I could whip em up a batch of gluten free edibles. Any tips? Should I just go buy a premix gluten free flour or make my own from scratch :thinking:

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